Thursday, December 23, 2010

Numbness In Leg More Condition_symptoms

Esprimo la mia piena solidarietà all'associazione " Don Chisciotte " di Cagliari

Cagliari, burning the premises of a
President: "It could end up worse

Cagliari,rogo nei locali di un'associazione Il presidente: "Poteva finire peggio" photos giusepppe Hungarians

A fire broke out tonight at Don Quixote of the cultural, via San Giacomo, in the heart of Villanova. According to President Matteo Murgia, was touched a massacre within the premises because there was a gas stove that could explode.

A fire broke out tonight at Don Quixote of the cultural, via San Giacomo, in the heart of Villanova. The alarm was triggered shortly before 4: they arrived on the spot immediately and fire brigade. The operation lasted from 4 to 5.30.

extensive damage - "Several thousand euro of damage, but could also end up much worse in our office was a doll of a gas stove and over fifty people live in places where we operate. "So says Matthew Murgia, president of Don Quixote, with its head office in Via San Giacomo in the heart of Villanova, was the subject of an attack last night arsonist. "Arson - Murgia points - as shown by the cartoons found out the door used to set the fire. Presenting a complaint to the police and prosecutor's office: they will be trying to track down our enemies. But let us turn to friends if it is true that you see when you need it, then this is the time to be close. Since this morning we received the solidarity of many governments and politicians and associations. "Still to be completed on account of the damage: over the entrance door have been irreparably damaged two computers and audio equipment. Instrumentation used primarily in activities for the district 's last just two weeks ago with the celebration of ten years of the cultural association, an initiative which involved the whole ward with exhibitions and workshops for children between the Piazza San Giacomo and San Domenico. Among the first to send messages of solidarity to the club and its chairman, its inhabitants, the Committee of Villanova, according to which the criminal action of last night "is a wake-up call to a neighborhood unaccustomed to such acts of violence. "

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wedding Letter Sample


(AGI) - Milan, 13 December. - The association 'Phone Purple' has filed a complaint with the prosecutor of Milan in which he denounced the 5 cases of suspicious deaths and abuse in many psychiatric repara Grossoni 1.2 and 3 Niguarda hospital. dell'esposto The presentation follows a weeks, a press conference on November 23 when President dell'associzione, Giorgio Pompa, had reported "a series of abuses that took place through the practices of restraint," or wire patients with mental disorders. On that occasion he had spoken to pump two suspicious deaths, which rose to 5 hours after new evidence emerged after the relief of the matter given by the media. The complaint, which suggest the offenses of manslaughter and injuries, and 'signed by some family and a sick patient. In it, in addition to the five deaths that were caused by the abuse of restraints or a lack of care for the sick, are also reported 5 cases of abuse. Among the new allegations, two relate to a patient of 63 years and 75 years who would have died from suffocation due to the food we were eating of a disease, iatrogenic dysphagia, which often occurs as a result of taking psychiatric medications taken by patients who should be assisted when they eat and take. This focus - Phone supports Viola - not 'have been awarded and has resulted in "a dreadful death." Meanwhile, tomorrow the Disciplinary Council of the Niguarda must 'make a decision on the fate of Dr. Nicoletta Casts, suspended, reports the Association, for "having an unsaturated too human relationship with patients and have expressed their discomfort for what happened in the departments through Facebook ". "The doctor, who meanwhile has' given the Order of Doctors, afraid of being fired, a decision that the light of what is happening, "would be grotesquely mocking," says Pumphrey.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Community Service Hour Letter

Si cerca un'area per la centrale a carbone Sulcis


Resolution Region

area is looking for coal-fired central

Vedi le foto V ia research area in which to build new coal plant Sulcis. Since the establishment of the working group (coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Development) and the first contacts with the European Union on the thorny issue of state aid, the project to regenerate the coal continues to take small steps forward. In a resolution passed in recent days, the Government has committed itself "to initiate, through the Department for Industry, and interlocution investigations aimed at identifying the site to be allocated to the power plant." So
the time has come, in addition to projects and studies, to give a face a bit 'more concrete the entire project, indicating the area where exactly the new system will arise in which, at least according to the intentions, you should burn coal Nuraxi Figus with near zero environmental impact, given the innovative technology of carbon capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide. In the same resolution, the regional executive Sotacarbo relies on the pre-feasibility study (the company had already made a, to be updated) and shows the whole procedure Sfirs as the advisor for the award of the concession integrated mine-central region. After delays that have characterized il 2010 (il termine per il bando è scaduto invano ed è stata necessaria una proroga a fine 2011), sembra che il progetto-Sulcis muova i primi passi, anche se il versante-Bruxelles continua ad essere decisivo per l'intera partita. «Il progetto integrato consentirebbe di sperimentare ed approfondire soluzioni tecnologiche ed impiantistiche innovative - ha sottolineato durante la riunione di Giunta l'assessore Oscar Cherchi - e darebbe un forte impulso all'economia locale e nazionale, oltre a consentire una prospettiva industriale e di mercato ai programmi di utilizzo del giacimento Sulcis».
Oltre ai ragionamenti di prospettiva sul futuro, proseguono a Nuraxi Figus gli incontri tra la dirigenza aziendale e la Rsu per le questioni interne, ad esempio l'organizzazione del personale e i carichi di lavoro. «Nei giorni scorsi si è raggiunta l'intesa sul premio, diviso in tre fasi, per i lavoratori addetti al taglio e ad altre mansioni attinenti - dice Antonello Tiddia, delegato della Filctem Cgil nella Rsu - si tratta di un lavoro disagiato, ma anche particolarmente importante». Il nuovo taglio dovrebbe essere operativo tra aprile e maggio ed è vitale per riuscire a garantire all'Enel la fornitura delle 300 mila tonnellate annue di carbone. (a. pa.)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What Causes Sleep Apnea More Condition_symptoms

Forte presa di posizione del Vescovo di Novara contro la costruzione e l'assemblaggio degli aerei da combattimento F35

Bishop Renato Corti presided Saturday, November 27 in the Cathedral Prayer Vigil for the unborn life that Benedict XVI had brought to the whole Church in order to highlight how important it is for believers in Christ have a new outlook on man, a look of confidence and hope that it becomes an attitude that since the conception of life is strongly in favor of the human being undermined by the scourge of abortion. If the Sleep-off Avvento e l’intervento di Mons. Corti in Cattedrale ricalcavano così uno dei temi più cari alla sensibilità cattolica come la difesa della vita dal suo concepimento, una vera sorpresa è stata l’omelia che lo stesso Mons. Corti ha svolto nel Seminario di Novara il lunedì seguente durante il conferimento dei Ministeri del Lettorato e dell’Accolitato a otto giovani chierici. Prendendo lo spunto dal celebre brano di Isaia in cui si legge: “Forgeranno le loro spade in vomeri e le loro lance in falci, un popolo non alzerà più la spada su un altro popolo e non si eserciteranno più nell’arte della guerra” ha espressamente rivolto un invito ad essere costruttori di pace proprio per realizzare il “Sogno Isaiah's "today. Getting into the heart of what on earth Novara is a nerve that can tear the fabric of the diocesan assembly of the F35 which is the problem: combat aircraft designed to carry nuclear warheads, Bishop Court reiterated the previously expressed opposition by Bishop Fernando Charrier this project. Recall that the Diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace of Novara on 1 January 2007 had written a note that, starting from the statements of the Magisterium expressed its opposition to the project of construction of the F35, of which Italy had agreed to buy 131 copies at a cost of over one hundred million euro each! With a huge waste of public money, money diverted to social spending, health and education sectors is certainly more in need of funding. Monsignor Charrier then president of the Regional Commission for the Pastoral Care of the work, had done just that document, transforming it into a position of Regional Committee of Piedmont. The bishop of Novara taking note that underlined its position as pastor of the community Novara reaffirming "the need to oppose the production and marketing of tools designed for war, in particular the problem arisen recently on the Novara area for the construction of the F35 ". He then went on to say: "We hope that there will be an afterthought, which until now has not happened, which provides a wider and deeper reflection that can affect the mentality of people and institutions. " On a subject so delicate, Bishop Corti in these years has never failed to lend its support to the Justice and Peace Commission of Novara than having to speak on the subject, found most often alone in these positions. The fact that, even in terms of composure, Bishop Short has expressed very clearly in a public celebration of the project against the F35, equalizing the commitment in defense of life commitment to the promotion of justice and peace, suggests new pastoral perspectives all to go, but all worthy of being taken and significantly promoted by believers and men of good will.
Don Mario Bandera
Responsible Justice and Peace Commission of the diocese of Novara

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Economic Impact On Hepatitis D

Bologna - Yes, we cash! rooms on the roof by INPS

At December 14

Precarious and students of the regional campaign Yes, we climb onto the roof of INPS cash Bologna to claim rights and Roman launch the mobilization of 14 December. Meet the manager Francesco Severini and collect the solidarity of the employees of the Institute
9 / 12 / 2010
Rights, income and future. These are the slogans that have accompanied the protest this morning at the INPS di Bologna, Via Gramsci 6, where fifty precarious, students and activists of the campaign Yes We Cash - which includes the OPT and Bartleby of Bologna, Lab Aq16 Reggio Emilia, Rimini Lab Paz - climbed onto the roof to the campaign to raise the minimum income guarantee and the manifestation of December 14 in Rome.
On the roof of the smoke bombs were lit and dropped banners calling for a regional law on minimum income collateralised, while a garrison ground communication accompanied the action with the sound system that you have followed intervention centers throughout the region social, students and temporary workers. Regular service and information desk of the Institute was not interrupted, but continued for several hours a communication campaign in and out, while the protesters on the roof have requested and obtained a public meeting with the Provincial Director of the Institute Francesco Severino with whom they had a debate on the issue of income and social safety nets. Severino has agreed with the bill for the minimum income gatantito, pear stating that this is a political choice and that in this sense can not do anything. He also assured that you will make requests to the regional spokesman for the institute, the regional president Vasco Errani, the assessor Labor Gian Carlo Muzzarelli and the President of the Legislative Assembly Matteo Richetti.
Worth noting is the statement of solidarity with the precarious also arrived from INPS employees who have dropped a banner from the windows made with sheets of office together with tape that read "Solidarity 'in precarious, INPS benefits" .

Bologna - On the roof of the INPS

    view from the roof of Bologna 'INPS

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Roadrunner 21 Trailer

info on coaches from Emilia Romagna to the demonstration in Rome on December 14

United against crisis
mobilize all united against the crisis they want us to pay, should be united in crisis because the government and its policies !
December 14, 2010 to all Deputies!
the demonstration in Rome on December 14, 2010 are organizing buses from different cities in Emilia Romagna
For information and reservations:
Tpo via Casarini 17 / 5 - 051.6493234 - 333.6184031 -
Paz Project 349 5666110 - lab.
bus from Rimini>>> Tuesday, December 14 5.30 Settebello via Piazzale Roma (near Railway Station) - Price from 12 €
Reggio Emilia
Lab Aq @ 16 ReggioEmilia globalproject. info - 348 7458148
Parma keeper's cottage self-managed, Via Mantova 24 -
House k3 occupied, Faculty of Letters, by kennedy: every day from 15 - - tel. 346 8670201

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chomikuj Military Model

Carbosulcis verità o false promesse ?

Nonostante le dichiarazioni apparse sulla stampa , in cui l’assessore regionale all’industria Oscar Cherchi, rilancia il carbone del Sulcis, io nutro su queste dichiarazioni forti perplessità . Questo perché fino ad adesso ho sentito dai vari personaggi politici solo promesse e pochi fatti. Siamo conciati male ! Nel Sulcis e in tutta la Sardegna abbiamo disoccupazione,cassaintegrati,giovani senza un futuro a cui aggrapparsi , corruzione , tangenti e una regione Sardegna assente e senza idee. Per questi motivi esprimo la mia forte preoccupazione per i ritardi e le indecisioni che si registrano e che rischiano di mettere a rischio il futuro della Carbosulcis.Per quanto mi riguarda la misura è colma, come delegato RSU Carbosulcis non poso più tollerare che il presente e il futuro economico industriale di questo territorio possa essere ostaggio di farraginosi meccanismi burocratici e di istituzioni spesso assenteiste. Ricordo a coloro che hanno la memoria corta che ogni qualvolta noi minatori ci siamo mobilitati , lo abbiamo fatto per chiedere non solo lavoro e salari sicuri per le nostre famiglie , ma una politica industriale che non butti a mare una risorsa materiale come il carbone e una risorsa culturale come quella che abbiamo accumulato in cento anni di storia e lotte minerarie. Garantisco che se le promesse non verranno mantenute , come sempre saremo pronti alle mobilitazioni ed alle forme di lotta di cui siamo sempre stati capaci.


RSU Carbosulcis - 338/5931619

Herpes In The Mouth More Condition_symptoms

The myth of Che.

the late sixties Ernesto Che Guevara became an icon for that part of world youth who identify with its revolutionary ideals. A true tragic hero, a symbol dell'incapacotà to compromise (even at the cost of living), the "Che" could not fascinated the younger generation. The luck of the myth of "Che" was also fueled by the spread of a historic photo, taken March 6, 1960 by Cuban photographer Alberto Diaz Korda.
That shot, made for the funeral of 75 Cubans died from a terrorist financiers by CIA, Korda was given by the publisher Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. In subsequent years, the image was used for various purposes (from t-shirts, magazines, commercial advertising), becoming perhaps the most printed photograph of the twentieth century. Its author, however, would not derive any income. In 2000, after having received compensation of $ 50,000 from the company of spirits to Smirnoff incorrect use of the famous photo, Alberto Diaz Korda gave this figure to the Cuban health service.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jabar Bluetooh Directions

Peter Mirabelli, a worker, a miner.

On September 22 he died on the job Peter Mirabelli, a worker, a miner.

was building on behalf of an Italian firm, what will be a world record: the draft-Alp Transit Gotthard, the longest tunnel in the world. Peter Mirabelli and 'was a delegate of the RSU-RLS FILLEA CGIL, officer training and monitoring of safety on construction sites and had more than thirty years of experience.

CAVET working for the consortium, had been for over ten years on the excavation of the tunnel construction of high-speed trains that pass under the Mugello to Florence and Bologna and connect first to suffer for Switzerland, even in the yards of the crossing point with the firm version of TOTO. Over the years he spent in Tuscany, Peter struggled with all his might against shifts in a continuous cycle that gave little respite to workers often clashing with the unions and politics.

While suffering from the distance from home, one of the salient features of this type of work, but Peter has also fought against the cultural distances that still divide the North Italy faster than the slow, almost motionless in the South Its strength was lugging in so many different people tra loro, come scrittrici e scrittori, giornalisti, registi, studenti, ricercatori universitari, lavoratori di altri settori, perfino comitati e associazioni per la tutela dell’ambiente: Pietro infatti capiva le preoccupazioni delle popolazioni che vedevano sventrati i loro territori, ma credeva che soltanto saldando i diritti di chi lavora nelle gallerie con la tutela del territorio su cui si insiste, si poteva far progredire sia i diritti degli abitanti che quelli dei lavoratori.

La sua umanità era travolgente e non lasciava mai indifferente chi l’ascoltava. Parlava malvolentieri della n'drangheta, Cancer of the land. But do not hide behind a finger and he knew that each migrant is always the result of a losing battle against organized crime by the state. Yet while these miners often disappointed by many, believed in the institutions. The President of the Republic saw the symbol of a united Italy, supportive, fair.

He understood that was the best representative of the Republic founded on work. As a man, as an Italian citizen, as worker and as a Calabrian knew and loved the Italian Constitution, it is recognized that in clear text, and clear cut on the real needs di milioni di uomini e donne, argine sul quale poggiare per costruire, in democrazia, un benessere per tutti. Aveva letto le lettere dei “condannati a morte” della Resistenza, di quei partigiani che poco prima di morire vergarono in poche righe il senso di tutta la loro vita. Da una di quelle lettere aveva tratto ispirazione per scrivere la frase che si trova ora ai piedi della statua del minatore, che fu lui a far edificare nella piazza dei “Caduti del lavoro” di Pagliarelle unendo la provincia di Crotone con il Mugello. Il monumento è fatto di pietra serena di Firenzuola.

Pietro ha rappresentato and represents the 'man of the South that does not want to lose hope, but also in Italy that wants to find examples of men and just simple models to look up without fear, capable of uniting the citizens in the name of the dignity of work and courage to defend the rights of workers.

For all this we remember December 7, 2010 in an evening at the theater of Barberino di Mugello, a town where he wanted to live. A story to make matches of many: "This is not my story. It 'is also my story, but it is the story of everyone who gets the life that I do ...". È la voce di Pietro Mirabelli nei quindici minuti della video intervista che verrà proiettata, dopo lo spettacolo “Lavorare da morire” testo e regia di R.Rombi, con Jacopo Gori.

Durante la serata sarà lanciata una raccolta firme per una lettera da inviare al Presidente nella quale, oltre a raccontare la storia di Pietro e delle sue lotte, si chiederà a Napoletano una pubblica presa di posizione che riconosca l’impegno di Pietro in nome della sicurezza sul posto di lavoro.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Impetigo Causes More Condition_symptoms

Scuola e democrazia

About Gelmini reform ...

I can not understand what happens to the school better, I can not understand what they want to make the school system. The government, now and then, says you need a reform. We are of the same opinion, many others have said governments, not excluding the so-called "First Republic" and is home to numerous failures. But now I can not understand what they have in head, I do not find their way because I can not believe that the reform proposes to cut the workforce, the trivialization of teaching, the "hijacking" of pupils in vocational training, are considered not interested in school, to make them complete their compulsory schooling. These, though they shared, and not at all, would be considered uncoordinated actions, and certainly not functional for the purpose of reform. And instead it's absolutely pejorative acts of the already shaky school system, unable, under the circumstances, give all citizens the training necessary to be such, and of course I just think of the school sector, not by the merits of the interventions on the University.
I repeat there is not even the idea of \u200b\u200ba project, but I doubt that an intention implicit in all the work there is. At the bottom of destroying the education system is made possible the undermining of democracy in practice, or if you simply want democracy. On the one hand it is stated in the name of popular sovereignty that rules are a hindrance to the action of government, on the other it is the will of the people consistent with the interests, not of the ruling class that does not exist, but only "families" dominant.
This brings us to a mortal wound to democracy, want the rules, either of overstating the actual capacity of the citizen, it is no longer to limit democracy in its liberal conception (magari!), but to undermine the whole democratic system , whose foundation is in a pre-school association. After all, if democracy (too many times we have called) requires prior consent of the people, the dialectic of the projects and programs, and if this dialectic of the protagonists are all citizens, they must be able to confront in building awareness of the city man must be placed in conditions to participate in the comparison of the various options for training (successiva!) consensus.
Hence the essential contribution of the school system democratic constitution: the dialectic aware, against the dictatorship of the approval. This, it said in passing, the only fearsome totalitarianism today: the dictatorship which creates treat, instead of the conscious comparison. Other than the dictatorship of relativism!
And then: either to a training school organic functional dialectic (or relativism freedom concretely realized?) Or the end of the installation of democratic rule.
There are problems in any case. There is no doubt that the governments of the "First Republic" have largely circumvented the problem of founding a school system of democracy. However, I think, I have had this and something seems to have tried. Meanwhile, although many difficulties, have made the school unique, among other difficulties thought to the training of the disabled, the contradictions between ideology have created some (few actually) favorable conditions for capable and deserving, I think of the famous albeit inadequate presalario. The fact remains that some reservations must be ordered, as some seem full of contradictions negative effects on the long term.
Let me explain with an example among many. Surely you remember the argument by many movements and school clubs, from different cultural backgrounds, the equal dignity of the teachings and disciplines. On this high-sounding axiom has been charged to the school every possible effort. Now, long story short, I do not think the school has the sole responsibility of road, but I think that the school is the only guarantor of the teaching of reading and writing. It will also be looking at school you learn to sing (maybe "the sprightly Teresa"), but I think more training to the teaching of mathematics. It will certainly be important to give space to the observation of phenomena, but vital task of the school to think about what has been observed. In short, turn it come volete: c’è disciplina che deve essere affrontata, c’è insegnamento che sarebbe opportuno affrontare; c’è una graduatoria. Di conseguenza, quando si è alle strette, magari sul piano finanziario bisogna privilegiare le discipline indispensabili alla formazione e rimandare a tempi migliori quelle opportune. Una riforma non può non tenere conto di questo presupposto perché ne derivi un impianto disciplinare conseguente.
C’è di più. Ho parlato delle contraddizioni che hanno ritardato la promozione del merito; ribadisco ciò che tante volte mi è capitato di affermare: l’ideologia ha confuso l’egualitarismo con la pari opportunità data a tutti i cittadini di pervenire to higher studies. Now I would like to clarify a few comments and I use the method more accurate contrast.
Let me explain. The Ruling Class Risorgimento and fascism, then the same school were assigned to a dual task: to form the ruling class and socialize the masses in parallel for proper control and, according to this second purpose, the training was to point to the absolute minimum of indoctrination, through the teaching of reading and writing. In any case, the ruling class and the masses had to be clearly separated in the early steps of training. Fascism, as compared to the elite liberal / Risorgimento, the Gentile reform, was able to give the project una realizzazione organica. Nel sistema repubblicano (qui c’è il vero contrasto) il sistema formativo non può limitarsi al minimo indispensabile, per di più in funzione dei piani della classe dirigente, ma deve puntare al massimo possibile di formazione, in considerazione delle capacità di tutti e di ciascuno. Ne deriva che tutti hanno diritto, costituzionalmente garantito, al massimo possibile, in ragione delle proprie capacità personali. E non solo per un principio personalistico, ma per una ragione di natura costitutiva della convivenza civile in cui le migliori risorse umane, adeguatamente promosse, vanno poste al servizio della comunità.
Da queste premesse la promozione del merito, a qualsiasi cost, because it is half of the same physiological process of democracy realized.
There were always contradictions, but now I do not know to what extent there is real ability to understand what you are doing (Maria Stella knows?), Is to undermine the culture of a school system that serves all . The conscious participation in the life of the nation, with the personal skills promoted to the maximum possible, is precisely the opposite approval of behavior brought about by the media tyranny, dictatorship of conformism, but the dictatorship of relativism!
final point, just to finish. The promotion of merit, through the education system, is only possible if the teaching is updated to search results, otherwise the teaching, and textbook obsolete, does not promote nor merit, nor the most sophisticated capabilities.
For this (and I know I repeat myself, but it requires the completeness of reasoning) the education of teachers should be placed as a constituent element of the profession, but must be achieved in close relationship with the search results. The alternative is to repeat the manuals, and perhaps for the entire personal story of each teacher, what you learned at the University, by adding at most (but now it seems to me no more than) a few found by teaching methodology, always dear to bureaucrats institution. Now
distressed me much, but once, when I talk about the teaching of disciplines, I was very interested, but I was careful to make possible.
Augustine Pietrasanta

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Would Plan B Cause Me To Urinate More

There is little to laugh, Caimano: Italy is considered a joke by Country

Vladimir Putin e Silvio Berlusconi Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi

The disasters of the era depicted by Berlusconi's lack of consideration for the prime minister in the diplomatic documents of the administration American popular on the web. With him, the image of Italy is now close to "zero"

ROME - He, the Cayman, it's always like that, because he thinks it's cool. Joke and laugh about it. As soon as his flaw is discovered, among the many that remain mysterious, the first public occasion takes the ball early to exorcise his figures. After the story of a minor, to be teased Casoria alone, after the Ruby heartthrob, stunned everyone by saying that was a minor fix.

And so does even now that Wikileaks has spread all over the world account che la diplomazia americana nutre nei suoi confronti: “vanitoso e incapace”, “profonda sfiducia in lui”, protagonista di “party selvaggi”, assurto (si fa per dire) al tristo incarico di “portavoce” di Putin. Il Caimano ci ride su ma non gli italiani (almeno quelli che ancora hanno un barlume di ragione e di avvedutezza), perché è chiaro dove portino le considerazioni espresse dalla vice-responsabile dell’ambasciata americana in Italia Elisabeth Dibble (ufficialmente, incaricata di affari della rappresentanza diplomatica): ad emarginare il nostro Paese dal consesso internazionale, considerarlo non affidabile e non autorevole. E ciò unicamente per via dei comportamenti irresponsible of its premier, private life of his eloquence, that does not respond to a rent-stabilized that any head of government must submit to an international level.

But there is obviously something even worse in the considerations so far have been disseminated on the net (they are coming at least another three thousand in the coming hours and in the coming days) definitely abnormal state of relations between our country and two countries with which U.S. administrations are forced to live in but would rather avoid: Russia autocratic Putin-Medvedev duo's and Libya's Gaddafi plutocrat. It is between the Libyan desert and the Kremlin that the Italian prime minister has so far played its games, strengthening friendship business for which you know only a paltry percentage of completion. The suspects are hiding in those reports as "private interests" of the Cayman clear from the documentation of the Department of State, with a note of the same Hilary Clinton (then the highest level) with the aim to know the "personal investment" in the Italian premier potentially production of influences on the foreign policy of the alliance. Nothing like this had ever happened in the Italian republican history, namely, that the U.S. administration had asked whether the private affairs of the tenant of Palazzo Chigi could disrupt the traditional balance beyond Atlantic and this may already be sufficient to understand the systemic breakdown that caused the Berlusconi regime, with perhaps irreparable damage to the Italian democracy. Berlusconi, in fact, in a rambling delirium of false efficiency and acquisition of a global prestige, has tried to put your foot in most brackets, in turn to ride the horse more capricious but brighter. And here's unblemished friendship with the "sent by God" Medvedev and Putin, with whom business closes between Gazprom and Eni, the declared value of one billion euro, prompting fears in Washington that the whole of Europe could in future become an "annexe" not only Russian for energy supplies. What's more, at the same time strengthens the link with the Colonel of Tripoli, in this case for reasons of energy and not only consenting to exorbitant demands to Italy and Europe in the field of migration. Then, to cover their backs, announced a day in and day out about his loyal friendship with Israel and, when there was Bush, thought it was just his policy "pats on the back" and words of love, of all out of place as the whole character that uttered, to ward off the inevitable questions about the nature of those too dangerous friendships.

is in this way that, almost scientifically, il Caimano (e la sua diplomazia, affidata alle mani dell’evanescente Franco Frattini) ha distrutto quel po’ di reputazione internazionale che il nostro Paese aveva faticosamente costruito con Massimo D’Alema e con Romano Prodi. Ora, prendersela a ridere, significa soltanto continuare a dileggiare 60 milioni di cittadini, che avrebbero tutto il diritto di non essere presi in giro quando si recano in viaggio in una qualsiasi Capitale del mondo civilizzato.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Momentum Investment Services

Il testamento di Padre Christian De Chergé

Testament of Father Christian de Chergé, Prior of the Abbey of Tibhirine, killed with six Trappist monks in Algeria by Islamic fundamentalists, probably May 21, 1996. The story of Father Christian de Chergé and his brother was devoted to the film Les hommes et les Dieux, badly translated in Italy with the Men of God

If I were a day - and could be oggi - di essere vittima del terrorismo che sembra voler coinvolgere ora tutti gli stranieri che vivono in Algeria, vorrei che la mia comunità, la mia Chiesa, la mia famiglia, si ricordassero che la mia vita era “donata” a Dio e a questo paese.
Che essi accettassero che l’unico Signore di ogni vita non potrebbe essere estraneo a questa dipartita brutale.
Che pregassero per me: come essere trovato degno di una tale offerta?
Che sapessero associare questa morte a tante altre ugualmente violente, lasciate nell’indifferenza dell’anonimato.
La mia vita non ha valore più di un’altra. Non ne ha neanche meno. In ogni caso non ha l’innocenza dell’infanzia.
Ho vissuto abbastanza to know that I share the evil which seems, alas, to prevail in the world, and also what would strike me blindly. When the time comes, I wish I could have that moment of clarity that would allow me to beg forgiveness of God and that of my fellow human beings, and at the same time to forgive with all my heart who would strike me.
I could not wish me such a death. It seems to me important to state. I do not see, in fact, as I rejoice in the fact that the people I love were indiscriminately accused of my murder.
would pay too high a price that would be called, perhaps, the "grace of martyrdom" to owe it to an Algerian, whoever he is, especially when he says acting in fidelity to what he believes to be Islam.
So what contempt the Algerians could be surrounded, taken globally, is also known caricatures of Islam which encourages a certain Islamism. It 's too easy to get a clear conscience by identifying this religious way with the integrity of its extremism.
Algeria and Islam, for me, is another thing, are one body and soul.
I have proclaimed this often enough, I think, based on what I saw and learned from experience, finding that so often strand of the Gospel taught in the lap of my mother, my very first Church in Algeria, and, even then, nel rispetto dei credenti musulmani.
La mia morte, evidentemente, sembrerà dare ragione a quelli che mi hanno rapidamente trattato da ingenuo, o da idealista: “Dica, adesso, quello che ne pensa!”.
Ma queste persone debbono sapere che sarà finalmente liberata la mia curiosità più lancinante. Ecco, potrò, se a Dio piace, immergere il mio sguardo in quello del Padre, per contemplare con lui i Suoi figli dell’Islam così come li vede Lui, tutti illuminati dalla gloria del Cristo, frutto della Sua Passione, investiti del dono dello Spirito, la cui gioia segreta sarà sempre di stabilire la comunione,giocando con le differenze.
Di questa vita perduta, totalmente mia e totalmente loro, I thank God who seems to have willed it entirely for this joy, and in spite of everything.
In this "thank you" when all is said, now in my life, certainly include you, friends of yesterday and today, and you, my friends here, with my father and my mother, my sisters and my brothers , and to them, hundredfold as was promised!
And you, my friend the last minute that you will not have known what you were doing. Yes, I want this for you "thanks" and that "a-God" in whose face you contemplate.
And may we meet again, happy thieves in Paradise, if it pleases God our Father of both.
Amen! Inch'Allah.
Algiers December 1, 1993
Tibhrine, 1 January 1994

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Personal Information About Myamme

Sfascio Italia

by Adista - Signs new - November 27, 2010

If there was no need for a symbolic image of the miserable condition of Italy these days, nature itself be responsible for providing: the collapse of the House of the Gladiators at Pompeii, the flooding in Veneto and Campania, heaps of garbage in Naples, the anti-dumping events, immigrants "hung" to a crane or a chimney Brescia to Milan ... Or photos of the various D'Addario, Naomi, Ruby ...
Italy is experiencing one of its darkest moments. The worst is that you have never seen the
Finally, despite the pressure of events in recent days with the views expressed by Fini, disputes increasingly popular Prime Minister, the loss of pomposity and arrogance of Ministers Berlusconi, the increasingly frequent police beatings of protesters and demonstrators in a different color without any political or color! It is difficult to imagine a better future in a reasonable time.
Already this mingling of government action, or rather "inaction" of government, and Berlusconi's private life is an anomaly. A government should be judged for what he does, not for the prime minister's private life. But Berlusconi has spent too much time from the sign. It is said that much good the government has done and does, and this "do good" would have two names: Maroni and Tremonti. That did Tremonti? He used the "crisis" as a means of increasing social inequality, giving to the rich and deprive the poor, got their hands on funds from the 5 per thousand that the Italians have for the so-called third sector, but has since found money for private schools, mostly Catholic. Nothing to complain about the Church's right to have his educational proposal through private schools, but in an evangelical vision of, testimony would be true in this moment ruined, ruined economically and morally, a "No, thanks! Wait for better times and decisions that are not used. " E Maroni? Remains the main author of "Fortress Italy", the operator of the security package built on people's fears, skillfully created art in the theory of a substantial "new slavery", the one that makes the poor and desperate criminals.
But then, it is true that Berlusconi's private life has nothing to do with government action? When a head of government and defends claims his lifestyle immoral and unethical by any ethical judgments, not just of ethics "religious" and flaunting as a "good life" as an example of successful life and realized, this is a political act! And if the good life is measured by the vulgarity of language and judgments (jokes sulle donne condite magari di bestemmie, contestualizzate, per carità, come chiede un illustre prelao della nostra Chiesa); dalle frequentazioni di escort (in chiaro: prostitute!), di minorenni, di personaggi almeno discussi e discutibili, dall’ostentazione offensiva della ricchezza, (sulla cui origine tanti dubbi, anche giudiziari, permangono); dal potere gestito con superficialità e spregiudicatezza, alla maniera dei sultani ottomani o dei “padroni delle ferriere”, tutto questo non è politica? Chi è immorale e amorale nella vita privata inesorabilmente è immorale e amorale anche nella vita pubblica. E la sua immoralità e amoralità diventano costume, diventano l’ethos di un popolo intero abbagliato e manipolato con un uso sapiente e spregiudicato dei mezzi di comunicazione, operazione che il Nostro ha ben condotto a partire dagli anni ‘80.
Di certo, sarà più facile ricostruire la Casa dei Gladiatori che ridare un’anima all’Italia.
Walter Fiocchi

Linda Kapeleris Organic Tomato Plants


Noi siamo quelli dell’Europa. È vecchia, ma spesso si dimentica che è ancora piccina rispetto a «mamma Gerusalemme». Chi ha già fatto l’esperienza di uno dei nostri pellegrinaggi nella Terra del Santo sa che non ci accontentiamo di incontrarci con la fonte della fede attraverso ciò che sta sotto la terra: gli scavi, l’archeologia, la memoria. Nemmeno di ciò che sta sopra: i santuari, i luoghi santi, le celebrazioni. Ci interessiamo di chi vive nella terra: le pietre vive! Ci stiamo rendendo conto che in oriente, il passato che ci accomuna e il presente con la sua complessità, sono così importanti che disgiungerli significherebbe perdere qualcosa di fondamentale, proprio di ciò che andiamo cercando, ogni volta che andiamo a questa fonte. Spesso i pellegrini tornano mancanti, fruitori di una esperienza di turismo religioso, sinceri nel loro atto di fede, sicuramente toccati in qualche modo dallo Spirito ma con il rischio che «non sono stati dei veri pellegrini», non hanno incontrato la fonte, oppure ne hanno bevuto ben poco rispetto a quello che avrebbero potuto (la fonte è anche il testo, the Bible, and the risk is to meet the land of the Bible without even opening it!). We have launched a style of wandering, with a continuity after the trip. We have contacts with the living stones, for bridges, to initiate, promote and then keep forms of sharing. We want to bring up contacts with local resources and positive in each of the revealed religions, to learn to feel accommodated by all, to hear different voices, because of the Holy Land is our land, we can not attend to 'European', export a style inconsistent with the land: it is not only inhabited by minorities and by a majority, it is the Holy and for those who live there, both for those passes. The earth is full of colors and ideas, memories and traditions, the earth is a place of complexity and conflict, but also full of possibilities, of witnesses of faith, living faith in such a way that we never know in background, yet I remain evangelized. This mode of travel is good for our pilgrims, and good for those who live in the Holy Land, who received us with much joy and it is said. On the one hand they do not feel abandoned, on the other pilgrims encounter the world of the brothers in the faith of Jesus, or Abraham, to notice a world otherwise unknown, never to return to the same as it started. The ecumenical pilgrimage is an opportunity, an opportunity to know the situation in a proper perspective, to give support, meet the living stones, to exit from the parameters of a certain religious tourism, even in the choices often are made more concrete. There are pilgrimages fruit of sets ready, "a" hit and run "from the price at times treacherous, alluring, but which are motivated only by economic interests that glosses over the issues of the day. It's "pilgrimage" an organized trip like this? It is the journey to meet the living stones or travel to mold the bricks of the tower of Babel? There is a risk of going to the Middle East, organized, very essential, often uninterested in the local situation, and very interested in dead stones, to treat the land as a museum. In this case we are in danger of being children of the tower of Babel, in danger of being like those bricks, all equal and if they are the building blocks that we have available to build the story, then we can only speak of a history of bankruptcy. We can, however, listen to an invitation from the Middle East, to feel alive, where local communities are ready to greet us with their style, their resources, with their enthusiasm, with history, archeology, memory, speech flesh from their land, but still beating in their faces, in people, not just echo una'esperienza linked to the memory of the past, but echoes of meetings with the present reality, religious, social and political life.
Don Walter

PROGRAM DAY 1 - February 28 - Monday
Alexandria / Milano / Tel Aviv / Bethlehem
Departure by bus to the airport of Milan Malpensa. ELAL flight to Tel Aviv. Arrival in Tel Aviv. Drive to Bethlehem, hotel accommodation, dinner and overnight.

DAY 2 - March 1 - Tuesday
Bethlehem / Hebron / Bethlehem
Visit the Basilica of the Nativity. S. Mass. Lunch. In the early afternoon transfer to Hebron to visit the Tombs of the Patriarchs. Return to Bethlehem. Dinner and overnight.

Day 3 - March 2 - Wednesday
Jerusalem / Mount Zion / Jerusalem Bethlehem
A Visit to the Temple Mount and Western Wall ("Wailing Wall"), then visit to Mount Zion Christian ": the Upper Room, Dormition and S . Peter Gallicantu. Lunch. In the afternoon
Church of St. Anna, the Flagellation, Via Dolorosa. Holy Sepulchre. Mass at the Holy Sepulchre. Dinner and overnight in Bethlehem.

Day 4 - March 3 - Thursday
Bethlehem / Ramallah / Jericho / Departure
Bethlehem to Ramallah. Visit the center pattern. Lunch. In the afternoon the parish of Taibeh, the only entirely Christian village, where we meet Father Raed Abusahlia, the pastor of the community. Making Taibeh. Return to Bethlehem for dinner and overnight.

Day 5 - March 4 - Friday
Bethlehem / Sebastia / Nablus / Departure to Bethlehem
Sebastia: the city founded by Herod the Great, on the site of Samaria, in honor of Emperor Augustus. Acropolis of Sebastia still stand the ruins of the Roman city, partially excavated in the last century, including the forum and basilica, the theater, the Temple of Augustus, the colonnaded street and part of the walls. In the Byzantine period, over a Roman burial site outside the walls, under the current mosque was built a church, in memory of the burial of John the Baptist that the sources of the Christian Holy Land celebrated in this place since the fourth century. The present building was rebuilt by the Crusaders when they arrived in the Holy Land in the second half of the twelfth century and was second in size only to the Church of S. Sepulchre. Lunch.
visit to Nablus: also known as Shechem is one of the largest cities of Palestine. It is located about sixty kilometers north of Jerusalem between the mountains of Ebal and Gerizim very close to the biblical Shechem. The great majority of the population is Arab. The city was founded by the Romans in 72 and was called Flavia Neapolis (new city of Emperor Flavius). After the Arab conquest occurred in 636, was called Nablus. The Crusaders will call the Naples and become one of the major cities of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. In 1202 will be destroyed by the Crusaders themselves. Later rebuilt by the Arabs. Return to Bethlehem, dinner and overnight.

Day 6 - March 5 - Saturday
Bethlehem / Jerusalem / Yad Vashem / Bethlehem
morning visit to Jerusalem. Mount of Olives, Dominus Flevit with Mass, Gethsemane and the Tomb of the Virgin. Lunch.
visit to Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum) and the Museum of the Book. Return to Bethlehem. Dinner and overnight.

DAY 7 - March 6 - Sunday
Bethlehem / Jericho / Bethlehem
Transfer Jericho. Visit the site of the baptism of Jesus Tour in Town. Visit the Mosaic Centre. Christian Mass in the parish of the Good Shepherd. I greet the Mayor of the City twinned with Alexandria. Lunch. In the afternoon visit to Qumran and stop at the Dead Sea. Dinner and overnight in Bethlehem.

Day 8 - March 7 - Monday
Jerusalem / Tel Aviv / Milano / Alessandria
the morning free time. Lunch. Departure to Lod, and visit the church which houses the tomb of St. George. Transfer to the airport in Tel Aviv. ELAL flight boarding. Arrive in Milan Malpensa. Return to Alexandria.

In a double room € 1,290.00
Supplement single room € 270.00

REGISTRATION: Call as soon as possible to Don Walter (335 5818204) for enrollment.
to confirm (by December 20) is required for a deposit of € 400
(Until January 31 deleted posts will be subject to a penalty of 150 Euro, from 1 to February 10, the posts will be removed subject to penalty € 400.00, from February 20 to the day of departure, the total penalty for any cancellation).

- Bus transfer to / from the airport of Milan Malpensa; steps ELAL flying, airport taxes and customs in Israel, and service fees; kg. 20 luggage free; airport assistance in Italy and abroad, good hotel accommodation in double rooms with services category, full board from dinner on the first day to lunch on the last, excursions, tours, entrance fees, as scheduled; gratuities, porterage and extras, with Gt Bus driver; authorized Italian speaking guide throughout the tour; Medical Insurance - luggage Mondial Assistance, complimentary to each participant.

- optional supplementary insurance cancellation MONDIAL ASSISTANCE: 3.50% of the cost of the package (contract 2008), anything not expressly mentioned in the program.

Documents For Italian citizens and 'asked for the regular passport stamped and valid for at least 6 months from the date of commencement of travel.

Changes to the program may be required for conditions and needs that arise in the Holy Land and reported on the spot or later. The places of the celebrations are only indicative.

Technical organization: "Ether" Ltd. - Bicester
terms as catalog Eteria 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Salry For A Dirt Bike Designer

Arsenic. Water banned for 1 million of Italians. Here are the regions at risk

€ 175 million to put under the water systems in 117 municipalities outlaw closed valves in 128 municipalities

ROME - "The usual mess" Italian ". The exceptions were intended to address and resolve definitively the problem, which is known, the concentration of certain pollutants in the water distributed in some regions and instead have become yet another ploy to not intervene. Luckily we thought Europe to stop the perpetration of a practice detrimental to public health. Now the municipalities involved to do what they have already had to do immediately after requesting the exemption, namely, informing the public and put under the aqueducts. But do not generalize, 59 million Italians have no problem with arsenic in drinking water and tap water can count on guaranteed quality and controlled. "

So the scientist in charge of Legambiente Ciafani Stefano, said the European Commission's decision not to grant the third exception to Italian municipalities where drinking water contains concentrations arsenic well above the legal limit (10 micrograms per liter).
The environmental organization in a document takes stock of the situation on waivers and possible solutions, pointing out that out of 157 municipalities that had applied for three parameters (boron, fluoride and arsenic), 128 have not obtained because sull'arsenico asked to increase its concentration in water determined by the value of 10 micrograms per liter to 30, 40 or 50 micrograms per liter and was granted up to a maximum of two years to 92 municipalities for the fluoride to 17 for boron and arsenic, but only 8 for up to 20 micrograms, following the World Health Organization (WHO).
"To be within the limits - added Ciafani - simply proceed to operative treatment in a few months, as has already happened in different parts of Italy. In fact, in 2003, requests for exemption were made by 13 regions out of 10 parameters and in February 2010, the renewal request submitted by Italy was limited to six regions (Campania, Lazio, Lombardy, Tuscany, Trentino Alto Adige, Umbria) for three parameters. So - concludes Ciafani - the reduction of demands, both in terms of territories that the parameters involved shows that, with appropriate investment, you can get out of the exemption by ensuring that people drinking water in compliance law ".

Legambiente remember that municipalities that have received the exemption will come into compliance within the next 10 months and particularly in areas where there will be presentations has been renewed for more than 175 million €, aimed to reduce the concentrations of arsenic, fluoride and boron in the waters and thus avoid the need for new exemptions. The project involves the construction of new water systems or for the supply of water from sources that have concentration values \u200b\u200blower than those of substances regulated by law, or the realization of treatment systems and water mixing.
The exemptions are valid for three years with the possibility to be renewed in up to a further two times. The first two exceptions are decided by the Ministry of Health while the third should have the green light by the European Commission.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

South Park Streaming English Version

La difficile identità

From ttp: / / . & LNG = EN & L = 2 & C = 11 & t = news & D = EN% 7BC9D016CA-E0C7-826C-A0E1-AB55861F66A5% 7D & A = 0 The views

agree believe that Berlusconi is the last stop and consider that the majority of the center / right now is the final dissolution. The jury is serious about the "death knell" for another in the face of total absence of rational choices of the executive, pulling a living in emergency, continue to face the obvious problems with which he was praised The quick solution (the waste in the center of Naples, and not only!), facing a culpable conduct of the premier, who invade the private sphere by the same institutional fairness, in the face of apparent undue influence of the executive in all areas of life of the nation it is hard to provide a breakthrough, despite resistance from the tones of the knight and his loyal courtiers crystallized. However
alongside death knell not only addressed to the executive, but very often the same experience of a center / right, the populist as it has no culture of democratic rules and physiological foundation, there is the wonder of a large part of the opinion inefficiency and inaction on those involved in a possible (?) Or, want the opposition (Bersani in particular), the area that you want is opposing, for months now, inside the center / right drift of democratic rules ( purposes for the note).
Honestly (this is obviously of an opinion) I think now useless and I think the critical analysis rather urgent indication of any positive alternative. These suffer from a gross deficiency, and why, while complex, resulting in each case, the failure or aborted constitution of a party of the center / left. The same evaluations that they face here point out a difficulty which seems insurmountable: finding common goals and programs shared by the heirs of various traditions.
I must say that when I talk of convergence between different traditions, have no wish to repeat unlikely centrist parties or post / Democrats that someone seems to be afraid, may perhaps serve to close the unfortunate experience Berlusconi, but then what? how to proceed in the government of the country?
I am sure of repeating myself, but the problem to the solution (if it is feasible) remains open. I continue to believe that the experience of Catholicism / democratic and that the Italian left can and should be understood on two pillars: an alternative I do not see a anti-democratic tendencies, which is already in place. The two pillars
abide by the secular nature of the autonomy policy and meeting the objectives of solidarity and those of merit.
Secularism . There is a strong component of popular thinking Catholic who has always supported the autonomy of politics from religion and not compromise level with that of the religious dialectic between the parties. Thanks to this component of the legitimacy of political parties (political parties) has never been questioned, and attempts to formation of a Catholic state and therefore not pluralistic were blocked. Yet the attempts made in important areas of the Church in the second post / war had been of great importance. Doubt remains about the DC you save the secular spirit of the Constitution on the specific point and to have conveyed the same electoral consensus in favor of democracy, when he could orient themselves in the face of a prestigious presence (for a variety of reasons at the time was out of the question : and is recognized by an authoritative history) of Chiesa su versanti filo/autoritari.
Ricuperare questa tradizione dopo averla riconosciuta, anziché limitarsi a valutare la funzione anti/comunista del partito di cattolici, significa concorrere alla fondazione di una laicità indispensabile alla vita delle istituzioni democratiche e significa cogliere la componente filo/costituzionalista della D.C. anche dopo la Costituente, nonostante la caduta di stile in alcuni passaggi della storia repubblicana. Certo si tratta forse di una componente minoritaria nella presenza dei cattolici nella vita politica: minoritaria, ma culturalmente più cospicua e, per diversi aspetti vincente.
Solidarietà e merito . Anche qui so di ripetermi, ma siamo in presenza della questione più urgente. Troppi ritengono ancora che la solidarietà significhi egualitarismo: su questi presupposti non si arriva ad alcuna convergenza e ad alcuna identità di un partito riformista di sinistra.
Inviterei i difensori dello spirito e della lettera della Carta costituzionale a rivedere l’importanza ed i compiti che dalle nostre istituzioni viene data alla promozione del merito come essenziale ai rapporti di solidarietà; li inviterei a tener conto delle possibilità date a tutti se i capaci e meritevoli sono messi a servizio della nazione.
Di qui nascono obiettivi essenziali e programmi coerenti per una presenza riformista ed innovativa. In caso contrario resta inutile la critica, in sé giusta, ad un governo che bistratta il sistema formativo, che permette organici di cattedre per trentacinque allievi, che sopprime di fatto le borse di studio (l’ineffabile Maria Stella, ossequiente e fedele al ministro del Tesoro!), che taglia la già esigua risorsa della ricerca (e qui sì che ci sono anche responsabilità di tanti governi democristiani) che manda a spasso i giovani in tutti i rami della cultura (ed ovviamente non solo!).
Non c’è alternativa: o si promuove la ricerca ed una formazione attenta ai risulti della ricerca o non si diventa competitivi, a fronte di una globalizzazione che apre ai mercati internazionali solo se migliori degli altri; qualcuno propone di alzare le barriere!
Il Partito democratico, sullo specifico, è in grado di una proposta capace di programmi di governo? Per ora non abbiamo visto nulla: l’unica preoccupazione, al livello nazionale, ma anche a quello locale attiene gli assetti di potere, uniti a confluenze trasformistiche scandalose.
Agostino Pietrasanta