Forte presa di posizione del Vescovo di Novara contro la costruzione e l'assemblaggio degli aerei da combattimento F35 Bishop Renato Corti presided Saturday, November 27 in the Cathedral Prayer Vigil for the unborn life that Benedict XVI had brought to the whole Church in order to highlight how important it is for believers in Christ have a new outlook on man, a look of confidence and hope that it becomes an attitude that since the conception of life is strongly in favor of the human being undermined by the scourge of abortion.
If the Sleep-off Avvento e l’intervento di Mons. Corti in Cattedrale ricalcavano così uno dei temi più cari alla sensibilità cattolica come la difesa della vita dal suo concepimento, una vera sorpresa è stata l’omelia che lo stesso Mons. Corti ha svolto nel Seminario di Novara il lunedì seguente durante il conferimento dei Ministeri del Lettorato e dell’Accolitato a otto giovani chierici. Prendendo lo spunto dal celebre brano di Isaia in cui si legge: “Forgeranno le loro spade in vomeri e le loro lance in falci, un popolo non alzerà più la spada su un altro popolo e non si eserciteranno più nell’arte della guerra” ha espressamente rivolto un invito ad essere costruttori di pace proprio per realizzare il “Sogno Isaiah's "today. Getting into the heart of what on earth Novara is a nerve that can tear the fabric of the diocesan assembly of the F35 which is the problem: combat aircraft designed to carry nuclear warheads, Bishop Court reiterated the previously expressed opposition by Bishop Fernando Charrier this project. Recall that the Diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace of Novara on 1 January 2007 had written a note that, starting from the statements of the Magisterium expressed its opposition to the project of construction of the F35, of which Italy had agreed to buy 131 copies at a cost of over one hundred million euro each! With a huge waste of public money, money diverted to social spending, health and education sectors is certainly more in need of funding. Monsignor Charrier then president of the Regional Commission for the Pastoral Care of the work, had done just that document, transforming it into a position of Regional Committee of Piedmont. The bishop of Novara taking note that underlined its position as pastor of the community Novara reaffirming "the need to oppose the production and marketing of tools designed for war, in particular the problem arisen recently on the Novara area for the construction of the F35 ". He then went on to say: "We hope that there will be an afterthought, which until now has not happened, which provides a wider and deeper reflection that can affect the mentality of people and institutions. " On a subject so delicate, Bishop Corti in these years has never failed to lend its support to the Justice and Peace Commission of Novara than having to speak on the subject, found most often alone in these positions.
The fact that, even in terms of composure, Bishop Short has expressed very clearly in a public celebration of the project against the F35, equalizing the commitment in defense of life commitment to the promotion of justice and peace, suggests new pastoral perspectives all to go, but all worthy of being taken and significantly promoted by believers and men of good will.
Don Mario Bandera Responsible Justice and Peace Commission of the diocese of Novara
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