by Adista - Signs new - November 27, 2010
If there was no need for a symbolic image of the miserable condition of Italy these days, nature itself be responsible for providing: the collapse of the House of the Gladiators at Pompeii, the flooding in Veneto and Campania, heaps of garbage in Naples, the anti-dumping events, immigrants "hung" to a crane or a chimney Brescia to Milan ... Or photos of the various D'Addario, Naomi, Ruby ...

Italy is experiencing one of its darkest moments. The worst is that you have never seen the
Finally, despite the pressure of events in recent days with the views expressed by Fini, disputes increasingly popular Prime Minister, the loss of pomposity and arrogance of Ministers Berlusconi, the increasingly frequent police beatings of protesters and demonstrators in a different color without any political or color! It is difficult to imagine a better future in a reasonable time.
Already this mingling of government action, or rather "inaction" of government, and Berlusconi's private life is an anomaly. A government should be judged for what he does, not for the prime minister's private life. But Berlusconi has spent too much time from the sign. It is said that much good the government has done and does, and this "do good" would have two names: Maroni and Tremonti. That did Tremonti? He used the "crisis" as a means of increasing social inequality, giving to the rich and deprive the poor, got their hands on funds from the 5 per thousand that the Italians have for the so-called third sector, but has since found money for private schools, mostly Catholic. Nothing to complain about the Church's right to have his educational proposal through private schools, but in an evangelical vision of, testimony would be true in this moment ruined, ruined economically and morally, a "No, thanks! Wait for better times and decisions that are not used. " E Maroni? Remains the main author of "Fortress Italy", the operator of the security package built on people's fears, skillfully created art in the theory of a substantial "new slavery", the one that makes the poor and desperate criminals.
But then, it is true that Berlusconi's private life has nothing to do with government action? When a head of government and defends claims his lifestyle immoral and unethical by any ethical judgments, not just of ethics "religious" and flaunting as a "good life" as an example of successful life and realized, this is a political act! And if the good life is measured by the vulgarity of language and judgments (jokes sulle donne condite magari di bestemmie, contestualizzate, per carità, come chiede un illustre prelao della nostra Chiesa); dalle frequentazioni di escort (in chiaro: prostitute!), di minorenni, di personaggi almeno discussi e discutibili, dall’ostentazione offensiva della ricchezza, (sulla cui origine tanti dubbi, anche giudiziari, permangono); dal potere gestito con superficialità e spregiudicatezza, alla maniera dei sultani ottomani o dei “padroni delle ferriere”, tutto questo non è politica? Chi è immorale e amorale nella vita privata inesorabilmente è immorale e amorale anche nella vita pubblica. E la sua immoralità e amoralità diventano costume, diventano l’ethos di un popolo intero abbagliato e manipolato con un uso sapiente e spregiudicato dei mezzi di comunicazione, operazione che il Nostro ha ben condotto a partire dagli anni ‘80.
Di certo, sarà più facile ricostruire la Casa dei Gladiatori che ridare un’anima all’Italia.
Walter Fiocchi
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