Monday, January 17, 2011

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Disastro ambientale a Porto Torres: articolo e servizio fotografico a cura di Paola Rizzu

Dreaming of sustainable underdevelopment
Paola Rizzu

"If there is a word for the feelings of Sardis in the millennia of isolation between nuraghe bronzes and perhaps happiness. Light goes through life like water, flowing like water, jump down from the full basin of the fountain, slips and meanders between mosses and ferns, to the roots of cork and almond trees down or slipping on the rocks, the mountains and the hills to the plan, by the streams of the river, slow to get to the marshes and the sea, called the mist by the sun to become dominated by wind and rain cloud blessed. "

I steal the words of Sergio Atzeni, stolen by others before me, because nothing is better able to tell what "was". Then came the Savoy in clearing the forests, the Unification of Italy and the construction of the railroad, war, reconstruction and the fight against malaria, the revival plan that departed from the land thousands of arms, to bring them closer to the safety of the fixed place of chemistry and pollution, the construction of 131 (that highway is not, however, and it takes hours to travel the 200 km that separate the north from the South Island) needed to factories, the sale of the land of the Emerald Coast and the construction of the havens of plastic that the Sardinians observed begging for hiring seasonal . Then the chemical began to tell his mistakes and to leave a legacy pollution, cancer, leukemia, unemployment, alcoholism, and land alienation and disintegration infertili. E allora si inventarono l’eolico selvaggio e i certificati verdi, utili a chiunque tranne che al nostro paesaggio; il più grande poligono d’Europa, Quirra, e presto – se i piani dell’Eni andranno a buon fine – il più grande deposito di idrocarburi d’Europa. E che dire delle centrali Nucleari ? Un tempo la chimica a PortoTorres dava occupazione a 16.000 persone, il catrame nelle spiagge lo sopportavamo, nostre madri avevano sempre la trielina pronta per rimediare alle macchie sugli asciugamani; con gli scarti del pvc che tappezzavano le spiagge facevamo collanine e mosaici con la vinavil. Ora i lavoratori sono poco più di 1.000 (su una popolazione di 22.000 abitanti sono 6.500 gli assegni sociali e 7.000 the unemployed). The area occupied, to a large extent to be reclaimed, is approximately 1,500 hectares.

With these numbers the last disaster becomes even more hazy outlines. The territory is anger and desolation.
Some of us cherish a hope, however, that road is made more and more the dream of returning to the "who was" the land and our natural wealth.
we be able to infect our dream?

AnarKiss Paola (Paola Rizzu)

Sassari, January 14, 2011


Under the photographs of Paola Rizzu the environmental disaster the day after the spill at sea ten thousand liters di combustibile dai serbatoi della centrale di Fiumesanto a Porto Torres.


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