Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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Unlike precarious. Interview with Cristina Morini

Interview with Cristina Morini on his latest book, his latest book "For Love or force: the feminization of labor and biopolitical body"

Workers to design, freelance, vat individual atypical, in a word: precarietà.Nella thousands of differences that exist at the present is the uncertainty that holds millions of young and old across Europe. Cognitive capitalism is undoubtedly controversial, ambiguous, all-encompassing and covers an increasingly significant in the scene labor market. But what is the feminization of labor and immaterial labor? How we make today and in what conditions of exploitation? Who are the new and precarious subjects such as concrete and collective answers can be given to this situation?

We talked with Cristina Morini, author of "For love or power: the feminization of labor and biopolitical body", OmbreCorte editions.

>>> hear the entire interview <<< (a cura di Radio Kairos)


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