When you vote and how?
Over 30 000 workers in telecommunications, members of the pension fund Telemachus, will be called in the coming weeks to renew the House of Delegates through postal voting (will come to each employee an envelope containing the ballot paper, envelopes must be received by Telemachus by April 10, 2011).
Other 32,000 workers will instead be able to vote at special polling stations set up in business on 31 March (the electoral rules provide that companies with more than 160 workers associated with Telemachus, the production unit, the seats are arranged, for others is expected postal voting).
To vote you simply tick the box under the symbol SLC-CGIL
What are the delegates?

La SLC CGIL invita tutti gli iscritti a Telemaco a partecipare alle votazioni.
La Cgil si è sempre distinta nella difesa e nel rafforzamento del sistema previdenziale pubblico.
La Cgil, allo stesso tempo, è stata in prima fila per estendere a tutto il mondo del lavoro il diritto alla previdenza complementare per un futuro più sicuro.
Especially the CGIL has always been committed and will commit to all the Investment Funds are a reliable and consistent performance, adhering to favor programs that work and not financial speculation.
Other unions, however, always opposed the pension funds and only today, instrumentally and with little consistency, "discovered" how important they are.
Perché votare la SLC CGIL
La SLC-Cgil vuole continuare in questa opera di rafforzamento e miglioramento e si impegna con i rappresentanti che saranno eletti a:
- determinare una ampia offerta di prestazioni in forma di rendita;
- ampliare le possibilità di adesione the Fund for all workers, regardless of the type of contract they have. E 'key, in fact, that younger workers may join the Fund to have a richer pension, without being discriminated against by a contract "precarious" that have not chosen, but now,
- an organizational change in the Fund that focuses on the member through a further expansion of all services and direct communication between the Fund and the individual member.
also continue to propose the establishment of one or more aspects of ethical investment (ie the workers' money can not be invested in companies that manufacture weapons, which do not respect rights union in the world that do not meet the standards for the protection of the environment.)
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