Polemica sulla mancata partecipazione alla gara europea per i finanziamenti sul carbone pulito. La Rsu: «Occasione persa.
La società: è salvo il progetto integrato miniera-centrale
Giovedì 10 febbraio 2011
La Carbosulcis rassicura: il progetto integrato miniera-carbone non corre pericoli. Ma la Rsu è perplessa sulla mancata partecipazione al bando europeo per finanziare i progetti delle nuove centrali.
IL BANDO Quindi, almeno in un primo momento, la Carbosulcis aveva intenzione di partecipare al bando per Community funds for the "clean" coal. But a meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development to make clearer what should be the recipients of the notice. "On December 6, at a meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry pointed out that in the first round of funding, which will be established by December 2011, the projects could be included in an advanced stage to final design and permits to operate - reads the communiqué of Carbosulcis - so Sulcis the project, to be established by 2011, will be added to obtain a possible source of funding additional to the law 99, in the second round of funding that Ner 300 it should be concluded in 2013. "
THE END short, the EU ban expired yesterday was directed to initiatives under way that can already boast a project executive and permissions. While the project Sulcis is all still to be defined, and there is no time to do it until December. Only then even the coal Nuraxi Figus compete for EU funding, which will eventually supplement the resources already provided by law 99. But that interpretation does not put everyone agrees. On Tuesday, the regional director of the PD Pietro Cocco had raised the issue of defining "a blow to the mine workers and the territory," the lack of participation banned. Even by the RSU Carbosulcis a critical voice rises: "For the umpteenth time Carbosulcis makes a hole in the water and avoidance of funding for carbon capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide - Antonello says Tidd, Director RSU - some say Sulcis that the Project will be added in 2013. But we're kidding? We nth farce. "
PROJECT The path to save the Carbosulcis forced to proceed in stages, if you want to meet the deadline (already waived) in December 2011: this depends on the fate of the mine and the coal seam. To give legs to the Project Sulcis in August of 2010 the Ministry of Economic Development has established a working group coordinated by the Undersecretary Stefano Saglia, which will shortly receive the first summaries of the feasibility plan and then start the comparison with the European Commission.
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