Alcuni giorni fa, a circa un miglio dalla costa of Perdasdefogu, some fishermen have come up against a missile more than three feet in length : They pulled up with the networks, thought it was a big load of fish.
is the latest in a long series of events that have brought to the fore the Polygon experimental and joint training of Quirra Skip to Perdasdefogu centers, the Air Force in business since 1956 and mainly related to aerospace testing, polygon that in recent times has raised the question of military use of depleted uranium and the unpredictable consequences that involve environment and humans.
L ' depleted uranium , or depleted uranium or U238, is the waste product of uranium enrichment. Normally found in nature, used in power and in nuclear weapons, is a substance very convenient both for its characteristics - high density, ductility, pyrophoricity - and for its availability: it is the waste product of the 442 nuclear power plants distributed over the globe are huge quantities of depleted uranium available. The story
depleted uranium began in 1943 when a report, now declassified, the Pentagon began the trial in military. After thirty years, in 1978, began production of depleted uranium shells. The first "incident" occurred in 1980 when the U.S. National Lead Industries Inc. - manufacturer of bullets all'U238 - exceeded the limit of radioactive emissions allowed, and was forced to close. In the early nineties, the Science Applications International Corporation, a company close to the U.S. Department of Defense, released a report in which they described the radiological risk of inhalation of depleted uranium dust.

depleted uranium shells of various types and caliber
In the midst of war Gulf of hundreds of tons of depleted uranium end up in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and almost simultaneously several A-10 flying over Bosnia and make it rain hundreds of depleted uranium shells, in 1998 four hundred Tomahawk missiles DU strike on Iraq, more than ten years and many battles later, it is the turn of Kosovo and Yugoslavia, although confirmation of employment in those areas dell'U238 come until 2000 thanks to the efforts of the Secretary-General United Nations, Kofi Annan.
And then the polygon Quirra , in Sardinia, where in recent years there has been an increase of tumors and lymphomas 28% in men and 12% in women, where the public prosecutor has ordered investigations that are able to confirm or deny a link between the activities of the ballistic and the increase of deaths and cancer.
The correlation between use of depleted uranium and cancer rate of increase seems to have found, especially when you get to know the behavior of uranium particles inhaled or ingested, but this is not the point of dark matter.
In Italy the two events under consideration are its actions in Kosovo and the activities of Quirra.
Needless to go into details of the story, now gutted by the press and often displayed o attraverso la lente dell’antimilitarismo estremo o del sentimentalismo privo di pudore.
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