Saturday, February 26, 2011

Carpal Tunnel More Condition_symptoms

A committee of "Disarmiamoli" against the radar of Su Semafuru

Saturday, February 26 - "No to anti-radar Sant'Antioco migrants to form a committee and we will mobilize to stop it ': Antonello Tidd, spokesman for the committee Disarmiamoli, Island launches challenge to project the financial police to monitor the Mediterranean Sea in search of boats with illegal immigrants on board. Big boats, as well as smaller ships of the sea and ideal for journeys of hope for hundreds of desperate, nothing can escape the powerful radar. One has already been installed in Syracuse, with a tower 36 meters high. Another could be installed shortly in Sant'Antioco locally on Semaforu, using an old military installation of the Navy, in a coastal area which falls in the park "Carbonia Sulcis and Islands." "We are opposed to this latest massacre of the Sardinian landscapes - reads a note of" Disarmiamoli " - e preoccupati dei danni alla salute che questo radar può creare alla popolazione sarda. Pertanto costituiremo un comitato contro l'installazione del radar e cercheremo i consensi per la mobilitazione». Quello che dovrebbe essere installato a Sant'Antioco, nella ex stazione radio militare che la Regione ha concesso in uso alle Fiamme gialle, fa parte di una serie di cinque installazioni radar per scrutare il Mediterraneo allo scopo di localizzare le piccole imbarcazioni utilizzate dagli migranti in arrivo dal Nord Africa. L'associazione Disarmiamoli si oppone e annuncia una mobilitazione. (a. pa.)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

T.b. More Condition_symptoms

mechanism of entry of nanoparticles into the human body

In questo mio articolo , I will explain in detail what are the nanoparticles, which are in the air in the Polygon Quirra and adjacent areas for the various military experiments that have been implemented over the years .. All this confirms that Sardinia is and always has been colonized for more experiments and who have given and are giving serious health problems to the citizens of Sardinia.

- residues in blasts contained microscopic particles;

- is contaminated environment;

- The nanoparticles pass through the atmosphere and the food;

Environmental pollution

- Respiratory system;

- Circulation.

Food contaminated

- Digestive System;

- lymphatic circulation .

I detriti non filtrati da fegato e reni possono depositarsi nella prostata.

Queste sono le cause degli esperimenti militari fatti in Sardegna dalle grandi Aziende di morte come Finmeccanica od Avio…. La Sardegna è sempre stata terra di conquista, voglio ricordare anche i danni provocati all’ambiente ed ai cittadini da parte della grande industria in tutta la Sardegna . Invito tutte /i i sardi ad uno scatto d’orgoglio e di cercare tutti insieme di cambiare lo stato attuale delle cose.


Rsu Carbosulcis

Disarmiamoli Sardinia


Wiring Diagram Pet Containment


When you vote and how?
Over 30 000 workers in telecommunications, members of the pension fund Telemachus, will be called in the coming weeks to renew the House of Delegates through postal voting (will come to each employee an envelope containing the ballot paper, envelopes must be received by Telemachus by April 10, 2011).
Other 32,000 workers will instead be able to vote at special polling stations set up in business on 31 March (the electoral rules provide that companies with more than 160 workers associated with Telemachus, the production unit, the seats are arranged, for others is expected postal voting).
To vote you simply tick the box under the symbol SLC-CGIL

What are the delegates?
Delegates approved the budget of the Fund, shall elect the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, among many other tasks are also the holders of any process of transformation or merger of Fund and the same proceedings against directors of responsibility. E’ questo dunque un importante momento di democrazia e partecipazione diretta.
La SLC CGIL invita tutti gli iscritti a Telemaco a partecipare alle votazioni.
La Cgil si è sempre distinta nella difesa e nel rafforzamento del sistema previdenziale pubblico.
La Cgil, allo stesso tempo, è stata in prima fila per estendere a tutto il mondo del lavoro il diritto alla previdenza complementare per un futuro più sicuro.
Especially the CGIL has always been committed and will commit to all the Investment Funds are a reliable and consistent performance, adhering to favor programs that work and not financial speculation.
Other unions, however, always opposed the pension funds and only today, instrumentally and with little consistency, "discovered" how important they are.

Perché votare la SLC CGIL
La SLC-Cgil vuole continuare in questa opera di rafforzamento e miglioramento e si impegna con i rappresentanti che saranno eletti a:
- determinare una ampia offerta di prestazioni in forma di rendita;

- ampliare le possibilità di adesione the Fund for all workers, regardless of the type of contract they have. E 'key, in fact, that younger workers may join the Fund to have a richer pension, without being discriminated against by a contract "precarious" that have not chosen, but now,

- an organizational change in the Fund that focuses on the member through a further expansion of all services and direct communication between the Fund and the individual member.

also continue to propose the establishment of one or more aspects of ethical investment (ie the workers' money can not be invested in companies that manufacture weapons, which do not respect rights union in the world that do not meet the standards for the protection of the environment.)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mucus Is Clear Before Period Is Due

Five Israeli radar to counter the landings of immigrants from Otranto to Sant'Antioco

Although the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza maintain the confidentiality of the five selected locations to install microwave radar Three of them are known. This is Gagliano del Capo (Lecce), Syracuse and of S. in Sardinia. In Salento the plant will be built in a plot of 300 square meters located between the towns "Sciuranti" and "Salanar", within the perimeter of the park Otranto - Santa Maria di Leuca - Forest Tricase. In Sicily, the radar will be installed at Cape Murro di Porco at the sewage pumping station of the City of Syracuse, the area under constraint and archaeological landscape and overlooking the oasis of marine protected Plemmirio, established in 2005. The third plant will be built instead in the former military Sant'Antioco radio station owned by the Region of Sardinia, Capo Sperone - On Monti de su Semaforu. This is a beautiful coastal area falling in the park "coal and Sulcitana Islands, where there are also buildings of particular significance in terms of historical, cultural and architectural heritage. Solita colonization of Sardinia !!!!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Herpes Type 1 More Condition_symptoms

Autoconvocate National Assembly of Delegates / i, RSU and RSA for a general strike and widespread against the government and Confindustria

On 26 February in Rome

National Assembly Autoconvocate

of delegate / s, RSU and RSA

for a general strike and widespread

against the government and Confindustria

After resistance on the roofs and scattered among the thousands of grievances against closures aziendali, ristrutturazioni e licenziamenti, la giornata del 28 gennaio ha visto scendere in piazza in decine di manifestazioni in tutta Italia, migliaia e migliaia di lavoratrici e lavoratori metalmeccanici, affiancati da tantissimi giovani e da altrettanti lavoratori di tutti gli altri settori, facilitati nella loro mobilitazione dalla felice decisione di alcuni sindacati di base di generalizzare a tutte le categorie con un proprio sciopero l’iniziativa della Fiom.

Questa importante convergenza è un primo segnale che va valorizzato, pur nel rispetto delle legittime differenze sindacali, con la messa da parte di divisioni e “patriottismi” di sigla di fronte alla brutalità di questa offensiva padronale che vuole azzerare i diritti conquistati con decenni di lotte e che vuole eliminare ogni forma di rappresentanza conflittuale.

In tutti i cortei è risuonata la rivendicazione di un grande sciopero generale unitario contro Governo, Confindustria e contro i tagli imposti dall’Unione europea. A molte di queste manifestazioni hanno preso parte, in maniera unitaria, anche le delegate e i delegati autoconvocati che stanno promuovendo da giorni un appello per uno sciopero generale e generalizzato e per un incontro nazionale autoconvocato di delegate/i, rsu, rsa e comitati di lavoratori che non hanno possibilità di una classical representation (precarious, immigrants, etc ...).

For these reasons we ask you to this call and to spread it all over the country, in any company, industry or union between the workers and workers who share it (see the list of / the first / signatories / e ).

But a signature is not enough to halt the offensive manor. We must come together and build useful points of convergence mobilized resistance to the crisis and to build from the bottom of the general strike and widespread use is needed.

We invite all and all for a great
a few minutes walk from Colosseo Metro B

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Heart Blockage More Condition_symptoms

We support the general strike and widespread


On 11 March has been called a general strike to support the needs and rights of workers and working classes, against the policies of the government and Confindustria's diktat, claiming now to deny them any representation and centrality as the economic crisis progresses.

Just 11 and 12 March the European governments will, set rules for the forced return of the heavy debt of the member states, rules that, for Italy, will mean more devastating measures and anti-social services, wages, social security, the common goods.

The Italian government has already indicated that it intends to adapt to new standards, highlighting the measures already undertaken in recent years.

Growing social inequalities, subtraction of income and rights for workers, general lowering of social and cultural aspects of the country, indicate that - within the crisis - are workers, temporary workers, the unemployed, public service users to pay higher costs. And even being denied the ability to resist at the level of democracy and representation.

In this scenario, and this future turned out to be well aware of the squares of students, temporary workers, metalworkers, who now too much time calling a general strike and widespread to send out a clear and strong signal to the Italian government and European ones, the Confindustria and Fiat, to openly confront the "class struggle from above" and Marchionne declared by the enterprise system.

There is no longer to wait. It is time that this general strike and widespread use is made as soon as possible.

We believe that this strike called for March 11 to collect this need and marks a first point of recovery across the social conflict in our country, like to reaffirm the inalienable rights, democracy, wages and the dignity of workers, temporary workers, unemployed, students and service users.

First signatories:
Valerio Evangelisti (writer) Gianni Vattimo (MEP), Angelo D'Orsi (university professor, Torino); Manlio Dinucci (essayist and journalist), Margherita Hack (astrophysics), Giorgio Gattei (university lecturer , Bologna), Claudio De Fiores (constitutional), Peter Adams (lawyer), Franco Russo (lawyer), Annamaria Rivera (university professor); Antonia Sani (teacher, School Committee and the Constitution); Fabio Marcelli (lawyer), Henry Campofreda (journalist), Luciano Vasapollo (lecturer), Vittorio Agnoletto (doctor), Franco Ragusa (lawyer), Emilio Molinari (worldwide campaign for water); Isidoro Malandra (lawyer); In Ginatempo (university professor, Messina); Maurizio Donato (lecturer at the University of Teramo)…..

Per le adesioni a questo appello scrivete a


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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome Guest Letters For Wedding

Marco Pantani 11 March: death, the mystery.

been almost seven years since, on Valentine's Day, the abandonment of a room at the Residence Le Rose was found the lifeless body of Marco Pantani . Uproar and consternation were spread like wildfire among athletes, cycling fans and supporters of the athlete. Then doubts, mysteries and uncertainty about his death really absurd when everything seemed somehow not to return. The suspect, atrocious, the cyclist was not alone in that hotel room. And yet the many shadows sull'autopsia, col medico legale che portò con sé il cuore del defunto, e la poca chiarezza su quel test antidoping che aveva distrutto la carriera e la vita di un mito.

« Sono stato umiliato per nulla. Per quattro anni sono in tutti i tribunali, ho solo perso la mia voglia di essere come tanti altri sportivi, ma il ciclismo ha pagato e molti ragazzi hanno perso la speranza della giustizia. » Parlava così Marco Pantani, “Il Pirata”, dopo quel maledetto Giro d'Italia del 1999 che segnò la sua carriera e diede inizio alla discesa, all'attacco dei media, all'inchiesta, ai tribunali e alla depressione.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pinky Adult Film Star Myspace

Depleted uranium from Gulf War to jump Quirra.

Alcuni giorni fa, a circa un miglio dalla costa of Perdasdefogu, some fishermen have come up against a missile more than three feet in length : They pulled up with the networks, thought it was a big load of fish.

is the latest in a long series of events that have brought to the fore the Polygon experimental and joint training of Quirra Skip to Perdasdefogu centers, the Air Force in business since 1956 and mainly related to aerospace testing, polygon that in recent times has raised the question of military use of depleted uranium and the unpredictable consequences that involve environment and humans.

L ' depleted uranium , or depleted uranium or U238, is the waste product of uranium enrichment. Normally found in nature, used in power and in nuclear weapons, is a substance very convenient both for its characteristics - high density, ductility, pyrophoricity - and for its availability: it is the waste product of the 442 nuclear power plants distributed over the globe are huge quantities of depleted uranium available. The story

depleted uranium began in 1943 when a report, now declassified, the Pentagon began the trial in military. After thirty years, in 1978, began production of depleted uranium shells. The first "incident" occurred in 1980 when the U.S. National Lead Industries Inc. - manufacturer of bullets all'U238 - exceeded the limit of radioactive emissions allowed, and was forced to close. In the early nineties, the Science Applications International Corporation, a company close to the U.S. Department of Defense, released a report in which they described the radiological risk of inhalation of depleted uranium dust.

depleted uranium shells of various types and caliber

In the midst of war Gulf of hundreds of tons of depleted uranium end up in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and almost simultaneously several A-10 flying over Bosnia and make it rain hundreds of depleted uranium shells, in 1998 four hundred Tomahawk missiles DU strike on Iraq, more than ten years and many battles later, it is the turn of Kosovo and Yugoslavia, although confirmation of employment in those areas dell'U238 come until 2000 thanks to the efforts of the Secretary-General United Nations, Kofi Annan.

And then the polygon Quirra , in Sardinia, where in recent years there has been an increase of tumors and lymphomas 28% in men and 12% in women, where the public prosecutor has ordered investigations that are able to confirm or deny a link between the activities of the ballistic and the increase of deaths and cancer.

The correlation between use of depleted uranium and cancer rate of increase seems to have found, especially when you get to know the behavior of uranium particles inhaled or ingested, but this is not the point of dark matter.

In Italy the two events under consideration are its actions in Kosovo and the activities of Quirra.

Needless to go into details of the story, now gutted by the press and often displayed o attraverso la lente dell’antimilitarismo estremo o del sentimentalismo privo di pudore.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Concealer From Everyday Minerals?

Carbosulcis, the yellow of the EU ban

Polemica sulla mancata partecipazione alla gara europea per i finanziamenti sul carbone pulito. La Rsu: «Occasione persa.

La società: è salvo il progetto integrato miniera-centrale

Giovedì 10 febbraio 2011
La Carbosulcis rassicura: il progetto integrato miniera-carbone non corre pericoli. Ma la Rsu è perplessa sulla mancata partecipazione al bando europeo per finanziare i progetti delle nuove centrali.
Vedi le foto L a Carbosulcis non ha partecipato al bando per finanziamenti comunitari scaduto ieri, ma il progetto integrato miniera-centrale non è a rischio. Parola di Mario Porcu, direttore generale della Carbosulcis, e Sergio Matzuzzi, presidente della società mineraria controllata dalla Regione. Dopo l'allarme lanciato da Pietro Cocco, sindaco di Gonnesa e consigliere regionale del Pd, sulla mancata presentazione del progetto Sulcis al bando in scadenza ieri, la Carbosulcis dice la sua. «Il progetto integrato Miniera-centrale ha una fonte di finanziamento propria prevista dalla legge 99 del 2009 di gran lunga superiore alla quantità di finanziamenti previsti dai bandi europei - si legge nella nota firmata da Porcu e Matzuzzi - peraltro Carbosulcis insieme ad Enea e Sotacarbo l'11 ottobre ha presentato una manifestazione d'interesse per i progetti finanziabili con la decisione della Commissione Ner 300».
IL BANDO Quindi, almeno in un primo momento, la Carbosulcis aveva intenzione di partecipare al bando per Community funds for the "clean" coal. But a meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development to make clearer what should be the recipients of the notice. "On December 6, at a meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry pointed out that in the first round of funding, which will be established by December 2011, the projects could be included in an advanced stage to final design and permits to operate - reads the communiqué of Carbosulcis - so Sulcis the project, to be established by 2011, will be added to obtain a possible source of funding additional to the law 99, in the second round of funding that Ner 300 it should be concluded in 2013. "
THE END short, the EU ban expired yesterday was directed to initiatives under way that can already boast a project executive and permissions. While the project Sulcis is all still to be defined, and there is no time to do it until December. Only then even the coal Nuraxi Figus compete for EU funding, which will eventually supplement the resources already provided by law 99. But that interpretation does not put everyone agrees. On Tuesday, the regional director of the PD Pietro Cocco had raised the issue of defining "a blow to the mine workers and the territory," the lack of participation banned. Even by the RSU Carbosulcis a critical voice rises: "For the umpteenth time Carbosulcis makes a hole in the water and avoidance of funding for carbon capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide - Antonello says Tidd, Director RSU - some say Sulcis that the Project will be added in 2013. But we're kidding? We nth farce. "
PROJECT The path to save the Carbosulcis forced to proceed in stages, if you want to meet the deadline (already waived) in December 2011: this depends on the fate of the mine and the coal seam. To give legs to the Project Sulcis in August of 2010 the Ministry of Economic Development has established a working group coordinated by the Undersecretary Stefano Saglia, which will shortly receive the first summaries of the feasibility plan and then start the comparison with the European Commission.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sample Wedding Welcome Letter

mental theorems and saws.

Today I went to visit my elderly mother in Carbonia, during the journey to and from Sant'Antioco Carbonia, I observatories with 5 combinations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to tell you gentlemen that make you fantasize theorems and mental saw:

- a social and civil life do battle against le ingiustizie ;

- odio le armi e la violenza ;

- ho sempre fatto le battaglie alla luce del sole;

- sono comunista ed anticapitalista ed orgoglioso di esserlo.

Questo sono io !!!!!!!!

Antonello Tiddia

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Broken Capillaries Under Breast

Presentation of the book "The comb without teeth" (2008), Eugene Campus

(IlMinuto) – Cagliari, 8 febbraio – Il missile finito nei giorni scorsi nelle reti dei pescatori a cinque miglia dalla costa d’Ogliastra, il 65% per cento dei pastori che lavorano nelle vicinanze del Poligono di Capo San Lorenzo affetti da gravi forme di tumore, l’indagine aperta dal Procuratore di Lanusei Domenico Fiordalisi. Nelle recent weeks "Quirra case has come back in the news, but in recent years the publication of novels such as" Perdas de Fogu "(2008), by Massimo Carlotto and Mama Sabot, of" The comb without teeth "(2008), Eugene Campus, has certainly helped to keep alive the attention on the issue. And the novel as a means of complaint will be discussed Saturday in Carbonia (17.30, Library of carbon). The presentation of the book of campus, a novel of social protest and investigation on the military activities taking place in the inter-Polygon Quirra jump experiments and effects of depleted uranium weapons in the area, give the trigger to start a debate with the participation of the author, Mariella Cao (Committee laid the foundations) and John Seddon (Chairman LUMSA).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chikh Abdelbaset Abdessamad

Saturday, February 5 meeting a Cagliari contro le basi militari in Sardegna.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

USB At the headquarters in Via Maddalena 20 Cagliari

From 16.00 to 19.15

It will be a meeting that aims to create a network in Sardinia against permanent military bases in Sardinia and wars. Moreover, it will initiative to organize against military bases, with demonstrations and discussion (location to be determined).

will be present at the meeting:

Lorenzi and Walter Lucchetti Robero Disarmiamoli network.

All those interested are invited to participate in the initiatives.

The Network Disarmiamoli ! an evolution of the National Committee for the withdrawal of troops. The construction of a national network against the foundations of the war and the militarization of society has become possible today compared to a growing extent in every sphere of society of warmongering logic.