Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Pelvic Pain More Condition_symptoms
History Unit of our country is a story in which the blood shed by the common people, from those who work, have the part proponderante.
In the Wars of Independence were farmers, artisans, teachers, children with no other than ideal. Certainly not the children of aristocrats.
in muddy trenches and mountains of the First World War were still peasants, craftsmen, teachers, the first workers, certainly not the children of the rich bourgeoisie that, at most, were the lieutenants.
In World War II, in the cold of Russia, and the resistance, the blood shed by the workers was still a lot.
was through the blood of millions of workers that Italy had a Costituzione libera, e divenne un Paese Democratico, Repubblicano e indipendente.
Il 17 marzo si festeggia il 150° dell'Unità d'Italia, e il Governo, su sollecitazione della Confindustria, ha deciso che è festa sì, ma i che i lavoratori la devono pagare, prendendosi un giorno di ferie.
Forse perché non hanno dato ancora abbastanza.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Hiv Condition_symptoms
A norma della legge 300/70 (Statuto dei Lavoratori) sono indette le assemblee per gli iscritti SLC CGIL,
aperte a tutti i lavoratori TELECOMITALIA, con il seguente ordine del giorno:· 8 marzo: giornata internazionale della donna
ORE 09:00 - 10:00 TUTTI I REPARTI ORE 11:00 - 12:00 TUTTI I REPARTI
ORE 14:00 –15:00 TUTTI I REPARTI ORE 16:00 –17:00 TUTTI I REPARTI
ORE 11:00 - 12:00 TUTTI I REPARTI
ORE 14:45 –15:45 TUTTI I REPARTI
ORE 10:00 - 11:00 TUTTI I REPARTI
Travel times are considered to permit assembly.
It was announced that the meetings be attended by trade union CGIL leader Paola Bentivegna and Benedetta
Liberals, a PhD researcher at the University of Milan, who works with the Center
Women of the Chamber of Labour of Milan.
For further information please contact: Rinaldi Graziana .
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Carpal Tunnel More Condition_symptoms

Saturday, February 26 - "No to anti-radar Sant'Antioco migrants to form a committee and we will mobilize to stop it ': Antonello Tidd, spokesman for the committee Disarmiamoli, Island launches challenge to project the financial police to monitor the Mediterranean Sea in search of boats with illegal immigrants on board. Big boats, as well as smaller ships of the sea and ideal for journeys of hope for hundreds of desperate, nothing can escape the powerful radar. One has already been installed in Syracuse, with a tower 36 meters high. Another could be installed shortly in Sant'Antioco locally on Semaforu, using an old military installation of the Navy, in a coastal area which falls in the park "Carbonia Sulcis and Islands." "We are opposed to this latest massacre of the Sardinian landscapes - reads a note of" Disarmiamoli " - e preoccupati dei danni alla salute che questo radar può creare alla popolazione sarda. Pertanto costituiremo un comitato contro l'installazione del radar e cercheremo i consensi per la mobilitazione». Quello che dovrebbe essere installato a Sant'Antioco, nella ex stazione radio militare che la Regione ha concesso in uso alle Fiamme gialle, fa parte di una serie di cinque installazioni radar per scrutare il Mediterraneo allo scopo di localizzare le piccole imbarcazioni utilizzate dagli migranti in arrivo dal Nord Africa. L'associazione Disarmiamoli si oppone e annuncia una mobilitazione. (a. pa.)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
T.b. More Condition_symptoms

In questo mio articolo , I will explain in detail what are the nanoparticles, which are in the air in the Polygon Quirra and adjacent areas for the various military experiments that have been implemented over the years .. All this confirms that Sardinia is and always has been colonized for more experiments and who have given and are giving serious health problems to the citizens of Sardinia.
- residues in blasts contained microscopic particles;
- is contaminated environment;
- The nanoparticles pass through the atmosphere and the food;
Environmental pollution
- Respiratory system;
- Circulation.
Food contaminated
- Digestive System;
- lymphatic circulation .
I detriti non filtrati da fegato e reni possono depositarsi nella prostata.
Queste sono le cause degli esperimenti militari fatti in Sardegna dalle grandi Aziende di morte come Finmeccanica od Avio…. La Sardegna è sempre stata terra di conquista, voglio ricordare anche i danni provocati all’ambiente ed ai cittadini da parte della grande industria in tutta la Sardegna . Invito tutte /i i sardi ad uno scatto d’orgoglio e di cercare tutti insieme di cambiare lo stato attuale delle cose.
Rsu Carbosulcis
Disarmiamoli Sardinia
Wiring Diagram Pet Containment

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Mucus Is Clear Before Period Is Due

Although the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza maintain the confidentiality of the five selected locations to install microwave radar Three of them are known. This is Gagliano del Capo (Lecce), Syracuse and of S. in Sardinia. In Salento the plant will be built in a plot of 300 square meters located between the towns "Sciuranti" and "Salanar", within the perimeter of the park Otranto - Santa Maria di Leuca - Forest Tricase. In Sicily, the radar will be installed at Cape Murro di Porco at the sewage pumping station of the City of Syracuse, the area under constraint and archaeological landscape and overlooking the oasis of marine protected Plemmirio, established in 2005. The third plant will be built instead in the former military Sant'Antioco radio station owned by the Region of Sardinia, Capo Sperone - On Monti de su Semaforu. This is a beautiful coastal area falling in the park "coal and Sulcitana Islands, where there are also buildings of particular significance in terms of historical, cultural and architectural heritage. Solita colonization of Sardinia !!!!!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Herpes Type 1 More Condition_symptoms

On 26 February in Rome
National Assembly Autoconvocate
of delegate / s, RSU and RSA
for a general strike and widespread
against the government and Confindustria
After resistance on the roofs and scattered among the thousands of grievances against closures aziendali, ristrutturazioni e licenziamenti, la giornata del 28 gennaio ha visto scendere in piazza in decine di manifestazioni in tutta Italia, migliaia e migliaia di lavoratrici e lavoratori metalmeccanici, affiancati da tantissimi giovani e da altrettanti lavoratori di tutti gli altri settori, facilitati nella loro mobilitazione dalla felice decisione di alcuni sindacati di base di generalizzare a tutte le categorie con un proprio sciopero l’iniziativa della Fiom.
Questa importante convergenza è un primo segnale che va valorizzato, pur nel rispetto delle legittime differenze sindacali, con la messa da parte di divisioni e “patriottismi” di sigla di fronte alla brutalità di questa offensiva padronale che vuole azzerare i diritti conquistati con decenni di lotte e che vuole eliminare ogni forma di rappresentanza conflittuale.
In tutti i cortei è risuonata la rivendicazione di un grande sciopero generale unitario contro Governo, Confindustria e contro i tagli imposti dall’Unione europea. A molte di queste manifestazioni hanno preso parte, in maniera unitaria, anche le delegate e i delegati autoconvocati che stanno promuovendo da giorni un appello per uno sciopero generale e generalizzato e per un incontro nazionale autoconvocato di delegate/i, rsu, rsa e comitati di lavoratori che non hanno possibilità di una classical representation (precarious, immigrants, etc ...).
For these reasons we ask you to this call and to spread it all over the country, in any company, industry or union between the workers and workers who share it (see the list of / the first / signatories / e ).
But a signature is not enough to halt the offensive manor. We must come together and build useful points of convergence mobilized resistance to the crisis and to build from the bottom of the general strike and widespread use is needed.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Heart Blockage More Condition_symptoms

Appeals |
On 11 March has been called a general strike to support the needs and rights of workers and working classes, against the policies of the government and Confindustria's diktat, claiming now to deny them any representation and centrality as the economic crisis progresses. Just 11 and 12 March the European governments will, set rules for the forced return of the heavy debt of the member states, rules that, for Italy, will mean more devastating measures and anti-social services, wages, social security, the common goods. The Italian government has already indicated that it intends to adapt to new standards, highlighting the measures already undertaken in recent years. Growing social inequalities, subtraction of income and rights for workers, general lowering of social and cultural aspects of the country, indicate that - within the crisis - are workers, temporary workers, the unemployed, public service users to pay higher costs. And even being denied the ability to resist at the level of democracy and representation. In this scenario, and this future turned out to be well aware of the squares of students, temporary workers, metalworkers, who now too much time calling a general strike and widespread to send out a clear and strong signal to the Italian government and European ones, the Confindustria and Fiat, to openly confront the "class struggle from above" and Marchionne declared by the enterprise system. There is no longer to wait. It is time that this general strike and widespread use is made as soon as possible. We believe that this strike called for March 11 to collect this need and marks a first point of recovery across the social conflict in our country, like to reaffirm the inalienable rights, democracy, wages and the dignity of workers, temporary workers, unemployed, students and service users.
Per le adesioni a questo appello scrivete a sciopero11marzo@gmail.com
Info: http://sciopero11marzo.altervista.org/
siamo presenti anche un gruppo su Facebook : |
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Welcome Guest Letters For Wedding
been almost seven years since, on Valentine's Day, the abandonment of a room at the Residence Le Rose was found the lifeless body of Marco Pantani . Uproar and consternation were spread like wildfire among athletes, cycling fans and supporters of the athlete. Then doubts, mysteries and uncertainty about his death really absurd when everything seemed somehow not to return. The suspect, atrocious, the cyclist was not alone in that hotel room. And yet the many shadows sull'autopsia, col medico legale che portò con sé il cuore del defunto, e la poca chiarezza su quel test antidoping che aveva distrutto la carriera e la vita di un mito.
« Sono stato umiliato per nulla. Per quattro anni sono in tutti i tribunali, ho solo perso la mia voglia di essere come tanti altri sportivi, ma il ciclismo ha pagato e molti ragazzi hanno perso la speranza della giustizia. » Parlava così Marco Pantani, “Il Pirata”, dopo quel maledetto Giro d'Italia del 1999 che segnò la sua carriera e diede inizio alla discesa, all'attacco dei media, all'inchiesta, ai tribunali e alla depressione.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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Alcuni giorni fa, a circa un miglio dalla costa of Perdasdefogu, some fishermen have come up against a missile more than three feet in length : They pulled up with the networks, thought it was a big load of fish.
is the latest in a long series of events that have brought to the fore the Polygon experimental and joint training of Quirra Skip to Perdasdefogu centers, the Air Force in business since 1956 and mainly related to aerospace testing, polygon that in recent times has raised the question of military use of depleted uranium and the unpredictable consequences that involve environment and humans.
L ' depleted uranium , or depleted uranium or U238, is the waste product of uranium enrichment. Normally found in nature, used in power and in nuclear weapons, is a substance very convenient both for its characteristics - high density, ductility, pyrophoricity - and for its availability: it is the waste product of the 442 nuclear power plants distributed over the globe are huge quantities of depleted uranium available. The story
depleted uranium began in 1943 when a report, now declassified, the Pentagon began the trial in military. After thirty years, in 1978, began production of depleted uranium shells. The first "incident" occurred in 1980 when the U.S. National Lead Industries Inc. - manufacturer of bullets all'U238 - exceeded the limit of radioactive emissions allowed, and was forced to close. In the early nineties, the Science Applications International Corporation, a company close to the U.S. Department of Defense, released a report in which they described the radiological risk of inhalation of depleted uranium dust.

depleted uranium shells of various types and caliber
In the midst of war Gulf of hundreds of tons of depleted uranium end up in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and almost simultaneously several A-10 flying over Bosnia and make it rain hundreds of depleted uranium shells, in 1998 four hundred Tomahawk missiles DU strike on Iraq, more than ten years and many battles later, it is the turn of Kosovo and Yugoslavia, although confirmation of employment in those areas dell'U238 come until 2000 thanks to the efforts of the Secretary-General United Nations, Kofi Annan.
And then the polygon Quirra , in Sardinia, where in recent years there has been an increase of tumors and lymphomas 28% in men and 12% in women, where the public prosecutor has ordered investigations that are able to confirm or deny a link between the activities of the ballistic and the increase of deaths and cancer.
The correlation between use of depleted uranium and cancer rate of increase seems to have found, especially when you get to know the behavior of uranium particles inhaled or ingested, but this is not the point of dark matter.
In Italy the two events under consideration are its actions in Kosovo and the activities of Quirra.
Needless to go into details of the story, now gutted by the press and often displayed o attraverso la lente dell’antimilitarismo estremo o del sentimentalismo privo di pudore.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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Polemica sulla mancata partecipazione alla gara europea per i finanziamenti sul carbone pulito. La Rsu: «Occasione persa.
La società: è salvo il progetto integrato miniera-centrale
IL BANDO Quindi, almeno in un primo momento, la Carbosulcis aveva intenzione di partecipare al bando per Community funds for the "clean" coal. But a meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development to make clearer what should be the recipients of the notice. "On December 6, at a meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry pointed out that in the first round of funding, which will be established by December 2011, the projects could be included in an advanced stage to final design and permits to operate - reads the communiqué of Carbosulcis - so Sulcis the project, to be established by 2011, will be added to obtain a possible source of funding additional to the law 99, in the second round of funding that Ner 300 it should be concluded in 2013. "
THE END short, the EU ban expired yesterday was directed to initiatives under way that can already boast a project executive and permissions. While the project Sulcis is all still to be defined, and there is no time to do it until December. Only then even the coal Nuraxi Figus compete for EU funding, which will eventually supplement the resources already provided by law 99. But that interpretation does not put everyone agrees. On Tuesday, the regional director of the PD Pietro Cocco had raised the issue of defining "a blow to the mine workers and the territory," the lack of participation banned. Even by the RSU Carbosulcis a critical voice rises: "For the umpteenth time Carbosulcis makes a hole in the water and avoidance of funding for carbon capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide - Antonello says Tidd, Director RSU - some say Sulcis that the Project will be added in 2013. But we're kidding? We nth farce. "
PROJECT The path to save the Carbosulcis forced to proceed in stages, if you want to meet the deadline (already waived) in December 2011: this depends on the fate of the mine and the coal seam. To give legs to the Project Sulcis in August of 2010 the Ministry of Economic Development has established a working group coordinated by the Undersecretary Stefano Saglia, which will shortly receive the first summaries of the feasibility plan and then start the comparison with the European Commission.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Sample Wedding Welcome Letter

Today I went to visit my elderly mother in Carbonia, during the journey to and from Sant'Antioco Carbonia, I observatories with 5 combinations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to tell you gentlemen that make you fantasize theorems and mental saw:
- a social and civil life do battle against le ingiustizie ;
- odio le armi e la violenza ;
- ho sempre fatto le battaglie alla luce del sole;
- sono comunista ed anticapitalista ed orgoglioso di esserlo.
Questo sono io !!!!!!!!
Antonello Tiddia
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Broken Capillaries Under Breast
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Chikh Abdelbaset Abdessamad

Saturday, February 5, 2011
USB At the headquarters in Via Maddalena 20 Cagliari
From 16.00 to 19.15
It will be a meeting that aims to create a network in Sardinia against permanent military bases in Sardinia and wars. Moreover, it will initiative to organize against military bases, with demonstrations and discussion (location to be determined).
will be present at the meeting:
Lorenzi and Walter Lucchetti Robero Disarmiamoli network.
All those interested are invited to participate in the initiatives.
The Network Disarmiamoli ! an evolution of the National Committee for the withdrawal of troops. The construction of a national network against the foundations of the war and the militarization of society has become possible today compared to a growing extent in every sphere of society of warmongering logic.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
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Federico Aldovrandi 18, beaten to death Sept. 25, 2005 in the middle of a street by police driving. The staff of the 118 al suo arrivo trova il paziente «riverso a terra, prono con le mani ammanettate dietro la schiena, incosciente»,dopo numerosi tentativi di rianimazione cardiopolmonare, il giovane muore per «arresto cardio-respiratorio e trauma cranico-facciale»
Aldo Bianzino 44 anni, deceduto il 14 ottobre 2007 nel carcere di Perugia per cause ancora da chiarire. Sul suo corpo vengono riscontrate «lesioni al cervello e alle viscere», provocate prima dell'ingresso nel penitenziario. Un'inchiesta per omicidio volontario è in corso contro ignoti.
Stefano Brunetti 43 anni, arrestato ad Anzio l'8 settembre 2008, muore in ospedale il giorno successivo a causa delle percosse subite. Dall'autopsia emerge un decesso provocato da «emorragia interna dovuta ad un grave danno alla milza. Risultano anche fratture a due costole».
Mohammed 26 anni, suicidatosi il 6 marzo 2009 nel carcere di santa Maria Maggiore a Venezia, dopo una lunga permanenza in cella che assomiglia più a una segreta medievale che a una moderna camera di sicurezza, molto lontano dai requisiti di legge che stabiliscono dimensioni, caratteristiche architetturali, condizioni igieniche e arredo di una normale «camera di pernottamento». Sei poliziotti della penitenziaria finiscono nel registro degli indagati per «abuso di autorità contro persone arrestate o detenute».
I nomi sopra elencati non sono opere di fantasia, parlano di allarmanti storie realmente accadute nel nostro paese, sono solo alcuni dei detenuti uccisi dallo “stato democratico”. Fino a qualche giorno fa neanche la famiglia Cucchi non conosceva i loro nomi, non sapeva nemmeno quanto fosse lungo l’elenco dei morti nelle carceri italiane. Non li conosceva, cosi come la maggior parte degli italiani, gli inquietanti episodi che hanno come protagonisti componenti delle forze dell’ordine italiane; poi i carabinieri hanno bussato a casa loro per dire che semplicemente «Stefano era morto», in ospedale più precisamente nel reparto penitenziario del Pertini.
Stefano aveva 31 anni, faceva il geometra in uno studio comune con il padre e la sorella Ilaria. Secondo le ricostruzioni la notte between 15 and 16 October the police found him with 20 grams of substances in the nearby neighborhood Appius Claudius. At half the night by night, the telephone rings at home Cucchi, Stefano arrives but not just with him are the soldiers who arrested him. Only they search his room, without finding anything.
Ilaria said that leaving his brother was walking home on his legs and he had marks on her face. Then the hearing for summary after the night in the vault of a barracks of the Force, during which Stephen was examined by a doctor of the garrison of the court did not find anything that might endanger his life. The boy was then delivered to the prison and taken to Regina Coeli, then transfer Pertini hospital and death on Oct. 22. with his face beaten and two broken vertebrae, a sacrum and lower back.
The prosecutor of Rome has decided to prosecute for the offense of "manslaughter," punishable by ten to eighteen. But the accusation, for the moment, is directed against persons unknown.
"As against unknown?", Asks the family lawyer, Fabio Anselmo (the same lawyer who assisted the family of Federico Aldrovandi). "It goes against persons unknown but I believe that those who were in custody or care are not unknown. I expect suspects, I expect that these people are to give an explanation." In
Italy as well as in every other civilized country a person imprisoned, detained or otherwise held, in the hands of what we call "law enforcement" is not they who had delivered the life of Stephen? It is not acceptable, whatever one may have done, that a prisoner is kept that way.
Nobody is going to leave unpunished the death of this boy of 31 years took place in circumstances not at all clear after eight days in jail.
The first to speak during a press conference, Ignazio La Russa, the Defence Minister, to which the victim's family had asked for clarification of the massacre: "There is no doubt that any offense committed this guy definitely has the right to treatment appropriate to human dignity. What happened, however, are not able to say because it is an absolutely foreign jurisdiction to the Ministry of Defense in regard to one side to the police as the police, then to the Ministry of the Interior, the other to the Ministry of Justice. So I have no tools to verify, but one thing is certain: the absolutely correct behavior by the police on this occasion. "
Rod Minister thinks immediately by the secretary of the Independent Trade Union of Prison Police, Donato Capece" He said he has no evidence to say how it went down the facts related di Stefano Cucchi, però sostiene che l'intervento dei carabinieri è stato corretto. Su quale basi lo dice? Chi sarebbe stato scorretto, allora?". All'interno del vastissimo orizzonte della polemica che si è levata attorno all’assassinio di Stefano Cucchi, spunta anche un’ appello al Presidente della Repubblica da parte dei giovani della FGCI, l’organizzazione del PdCI, dai GC del PRC e dall'Unione degli Studenti che chiede” verità e giustizia" per Stefano.
Per sollecitare ulteriormente l’opinione pubblica, la famiglia di Stefano ha mostrato le foto del corpo scattate dall’agenzia funebre dopo l’autopsia. Sono fotografie che non si guardano con facilità. Non è simple "curiosity". You see a body too frail, his face distorted, a black eye, the 'other back into the orbit, the left brow and swollen right jaw with a vertical groove, a sign of a fracture. The photos of his body off, bruised, tortured him leave with a sense of nausea that can handle just knowing that it is your duty to see them and run them that we must understand that because of the agony and torment.
You can die like that? In Italy you.
What happens when a mistake is hard arm of justice?
What happens in our prisons?
The boundary between "good and bad "is terribly unstable so if you're too close to the criminals, you become evil too? However, unlike them, you are immune from being judged?
be clear, my does not want to be a generalization, I just want to put the 'some attention, I think too many unsolved cases or forgotten to remember what happens when a uniformed man decides to abuse their power.
At a time like this where the scope for individual freedom are reduced each day the tortured body of Stephen I remember so many others, seems to come out of a Nazi concentration camp, is like that of photographs of Auschwitz, the only difference is that the photos are not black and white, but they also speak of harassment and violence dictated by a sickening sense of intolerance and inhuman. Someone
door on his conscience the death of this young, we can not remain deaf and silent in the face of all this, this incident is a blot on the conscience of Italian civil, involving a family seeking justice in a country where you see your snatch son from the "police" and they gave it back to you in pieces.
Ketty Bertuccelli
Friday, January 28, 2011
Pikachu In The Shower
The question is whether we needed this: If we needed a suspect (the criminal law to prove everything, we are guaranteed) for a charge as serious as that of "child prostitution" to realize that, top executive, there are practices that do not precisely reflect the spirit that should characterize sober holders of such liability. The question is whether equalized the result, the silence or the trivialization mormoricchio on media issues in the country with the dramatic return, promised (?) Defense of the family institution, just because you wanted and you want to ignore the situation made emergencies affective. One wonders if the pot of lentils of some funding to non-state school, or even worth the indulgence intervention always kind to a political party.
All this is to ask not only the newspaper that would, at least officially, the Christian community that is in Italy ("vulgar dictus" of the Italian bishops), but also to those church leaders who are wrapped in an attitude too discovered in some political declarations to the contrary are refuted by the attitudes.

be clear, we have never underestimated the problems nor the unity of the family institution, nor quelli della libertà della scuola. Diciamo solo che forse serviva un po’ più di fiducia nel lasciare ai Laici, la responsabilità degli strumenti della politica, come auspicherebbe la realizzazione, nel merito, del Concilio Vaticano II. Ma dove sono finite le proposte che ne erano scaturite? Quali effetti deriveranno alla Chiesa italiana dall’essersi coinvolta e lasciata coinvolgere nei conflitti delle parti politiche?
Veniamo però al problema di questa degenerazione della vita pubblica, della vicenda di una nazione allo sbando, perché di questo si tratta in prima istanza.
Certo, per quanto grave sia l’immagine di sconvolgente immoralità che investe il Paese, questa non sarebbe stata possibile senza il consent given by the electorate to the premier in office. May be true, and we are the first we have often stated that the expression of leadership is rooted in a conception, consumerist mentality and morality in which moral value is irrelevant (other than contextualization of behavior) And yet it is also true that in our lack even a minimum social fabric of national pride that would allow us to react to the fall of the image before the world. Other countries, like we got shit in the pleasure-minded, would react against a degradation of image, just because we are convinced of their national tradition to be defended in international relations and with attention to historical memory. Needless to mediate: here we have this missing. In response to the beating of the international "If Baptists"? which opposition to the desecration of institutional buying / selling of Deputies, which took place under the indifference of public opinion? what interest the various events in Europe where many bilateral agreements do not mind when they see little except our country? What prospect of common feeling was manifested in our history?
Hence perhaps must share and understand that you have to deal with the past. Our state was born in a context of a rift between the ruling class, certainly enlightened, and a people completely disengaged from the process of unification. It may be argued, and a ragione, che sono le elite a promuovere i grandi processi storici, ma in altri paesi c’è stata la capacità di coinvolgere, di socializzare le masse; non tutti gli effetti sono stati positivi, ma la presenza popolare nello spirito delle nazioni ha avuto i suoi effetti. Da noi l’unità dello Stato si è accompagnata ad un processo di separatezza tra popolo e nazione.
A questa separatezza, faticosamente recuperata, si è aggiunta una seconda frattura col fascismo: la frattura tra nazione e libertà. Si è realizzato un consenso, ma un consenso senza protagonismo dei ceti popolari e delle vere elite intellettuali, controllati da un sistema autoritario e dittatoriale. Anche il movimento, per tanti aspetti glorioso, redemption and liberation from dictatorship, the act of "rebellion" to 'authoritarianism and its arrogance, which has seen a large popular involvement, albeit at different levels, it appeared, rightly or wrongly, as the preserve of a political party .
is not guilty of seeking to understand why it is just not there in our nation's pride in belonging to a nation. Even the efforts of past presidents of the Republic to address, have had very little effect
Now they reap the rewards, not only the best, ambivalent or ambiguous behavior (the jury is simply an ethical and political, not for us to intervene in investigations concerning responsabilità penali) della classe dirigente, si mimetizzano in una omologazione perversa di natura consumistica, ma non c’è neppure, né potrebbe esserci, un sussulto di orgoglio nazionale. Non c’è perché c’è scarso senso della nazione e dei suoi valori unificanti, al di sopra della dialettica fra le parti.
Potrebbe essere una spiegazione alla indifferenza che non intacca il consenso ad un esecutivo tanto contestato dagli avvenimenti che fanno scandalo. Potrebbe essere, ma il dubbio rimane e lo sconcerto anche di più.
Certo si potrà dire, e lo abbiamo già sottolineato fin troppo, per ritornarci anche in questa sede, che purtroppo non si definiscono alternative valide, che l’opposizione to fumble for a project still absent, the fact remains that some degeneration should at least provoke a generalized reaction. I do not think that's going on.
Augustine Pietrasanta
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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I have heard from some websites of local news, but I found the most important track on the end, the protests and condemnation of a priest Abruzzo to poor governance and corruption that plague our country. |
Monday, January 17, 2011
Skin Cancer More Condition_symptoms Images
16 January 2011 3 comments
Dreaming of sustainable underdevelopment
Paola Rizzu
"If there is a word for the feelings of Sardis in the millennia of isolation between nuraghe bronzes and perhaps happiness. Light goes through life like water, flowing like water, jump down from the full basin of the fountain, slips and meanders between mosses and ferns, to the roots of cork and almond trees down or slipping on the rocks, the mountains and the hills to the plan, by the streams of the river, slow to get to the marshes and the sea, called the mist by the sun to become dominated by wind and rain cloud blessed. "
I steal the words of Sergio Atzeni, stolen by others before me, because nothing is better able to tell what "was". Then came the Savoy in clearing the forests, the Unification of Italy and the construction of the railroad, war, reconstruction and the fight against malaria, the revival plan that departed from the land thousands of arms, to bring them closer to the safety of the fixed place of chemistry and pollution, the construction of 131 (that highway is not, however, and it takes hours to travel the 200 km that separate the north from the South Island) needed to factories, the sale of the land of the Emerald Coast and the construction of the havens of plastic that the Sardinians observed begging for hiring seasonal . Then the chemical began to tell his mistakes and to leave a legacy pollution, cancer, leukemia, unemployment, alcoholism, and land alienation and disintegration infertili. E allora si inventarono l’eolico selvaggio e i certificati verdi, utili a chiunque tranne che al nostro paesaggio; il più grande poligono d’Europa, Quirra, e presto – se i piani dell’Eni andranno a buon fine – il più grande deposito di idrocarburi d’Europa. E che dire delle centrali Nucleari ? Un tempo la chimica a PortoTorres dava occupazione a 16.000 persone, il catrame nelle spiagge lo sopportavamo, nostre madri avevano sempre la trielina pronta per rimediare alle macchie sugli asciugamani; con gli scarti del pvc che tappezzavano le spiagge facevamo collanine e mosaici con la vinavil. Ora i lavoratori sono poco più di 1.000 (su una popolazione di 22.000 abitanti sono 6.500 gli assegni sociali e 7.000 the unemployed). The area occupied, to a large extent to be reclaimed, is approximately 1,500 hectares.
With these numbers the last disaster becomes even more hazy outlines. The territory is anger and desolation.
Some of us cherish a hope, however, that road is made more and more the dream of returning to the "who was" the land and our natural wealth.
we be able to infect our dream?
AnarKiss Paola (Paola Rizzu)
Sassari, January 14, 2011
Under the photographs of Paola Rizzu the environmental disaster the day after the spill at sea ten thousand liters di combustibile dai serbatoi della centrale di Fiumesanto a Porto Torres.
Per contatti : paola.rizzu@gmail.com
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