We thank Mary G. Di Rienzo (contacts: sheela59@libero.it) for having made available in translation of the following open letter published as a paid advertisement in the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" 6 August 2010] - ON THE WAY by telegram No. 280 of Nonviolence August 12, 2010
Friday 'July 23, 2010 we made a trip, a dozen Israeli Jewish women and a dozen women of West Bank Palestinians with their four children, including a newborn. We traveled by car through the inland hills of the country ("Shfela") and made a tour of Tel Aviv and Yaffa together. We had lunch in a restaurant, got past the sun and really good time on the beach. We came back through Jerusalem and we looked at the city 'old from afar.
Most of our guests Palestinians had never seen the sea (which is' less than 60 km from their homes). Most of them never had the chance 'to pray in their holy places in Jerusalem - Al Quds, and who saw them with a desire on Mount Scopus.
None of our guests had an entry permit to Israel. We have passed through the checkpoints in our cars, knowing that they violate the "Law of entry into Israel. " Proclaim openly here. This trip
common 'was organized in response to the complaint filed by the state police against us, Ilana Hammerman, on a trip like she did with three young Palestinian women. We decided to act in the spirit of Martin Luther King and to show symbolically that we do not recognize immoral and unjust laws.

legally not recognized 'to the "Law of Entry into Israel", a law that allows each and every Israeli jew to travel freely in any part of the land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, but denying the same right to Palestinians, although this is also their country. Questa legge li spoglia del diritto di visitare citta' e villaggi lungo la “Linea Verde”: luoghi in cui essi hanno profonde radici familiari, di eredita' culturale e di legami nazionali.
Percio', abbiamo obbedito alla voce della nostra coscienza e ci siamo prese la liberta' di condurre delle donne in alcuni di questi luoghi. Noi e loro ci siamo assunte il rischio insieme, con chiarezza di mente e forte convinzione.
In tal modo, noi israeliane abbiamo guadagnato un altro grande privilegio, il fare esperienza nella nostra nazione, una nazione che vive sulla sua spada, di uno dei giorni piu' belli ed emozionanti della nostra vita: aver conosciuto coraggiose donne palestinesi, piene di gioia di vivere, l'aver passato del tempo assieme they were free and be with them, even if just for one day.
We did not drive "terrorist" ne '"enemy", but human beings, our fellow humans. The authorities' separate us with barriers and checkpoints, rules and regulations. Not to safeguard our security, but to sanctify the hostilities' and perpetuate the control of land illegally taken from their rightful owners. This robbery and mass 'was made in violation of all laws and international conventions, violating the universal values \u200b\u200bof human rights, justice and humanity'.
We are not breaking the law, the state of Israel 'was the chief violator in for decades. It is not we, women with an awareness civil and democratic, to be pushed too far '. 'S the state of Israel that has passed the limits and that is leading us down a precipice and perhaps even self-destruction.
call Israeli citizens to hear the words of Henry David Thoreau, an American thinker of the nineteenth century, in his famous treatise on Civil Disobedience wrote: "When a sixth of the population of a nation that is supposed to be the refuge of liberty ', and' slavery ', and an entire country and' unjustly overthrown and conquered by a foreign army, and made subject to martial law, I think that it is never too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize the situation. This 'duty which makes this even more' urgent and 'the fact that the country so' and earned not 'ours, and' Our the invading army. "
Listen to these words, see how they adapt well to the situation in which our nation has brought itself, and what we did.
Ilana Hammerman, Kisch Annelien
Jerusalem, Ramat Hasharon
Esti Tsala, Tel Aviv
Daphne Banai, Tel Aviv
Klil Zisapel, Tel Aviv
Pundak Michal Sagie, Herzlia
Nitza Aminov, Irit Gal
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Ofra Yeshua -Lyth, Tel Aviv
Ronni Eilat, Kfar Saba
Ronit Marian-Kadishai, Ramat Hasharon
Ruti Kantor, Tel Aviv
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