Dear friends, after 6 days I have not had a minimal response by the editors at Reuters ... today the wall of Gilo has been removed and we are very happy also because the justification was that there were no safety issues and also we are witnesses of this, but then why build the wall within our parish stealing a whole valley where there are not even the famous security reasons?
Ansa I invited you to visit us .. . surely there will be a correspondent in Jerusalem, and so I hope to meet again today to show him how the work to continue building the wall inside BetJala.
If anyone can help me to get to handle our voice I would be grateful, because I do not want to think that a serious agency Ansa can behave like that in so uncivilized a response denying the objections, requests to a poor priest who daily try to give hope to a community that does not hope because most humiliated and abused every day in every way!
Another episode of daily life in Nazareth Saturday we had the "accommodation" of an icon of Our Lady of the Scouts in the Basilica of the Annunciation ... many came from Italy and as a parish we asked for our scout 250 permits to participate in this great event ... we received only 50 of these permits and many were given to the husband and wife and not so sono stati soltanto 32 quelli che hanno potuto partecipare alla s.Messa a Nazareth... e tutto questo non è giusto!
E' una vergogna ed è contro qualunque diritto internazionale... ma di questo non frega niente a nessuno... ad Ansa potrà interessare la notizia che in Israele il diritto alla libertà religiosa, il diritto alla libertà di movimento, e tutti gli altri diritti garantiti dalla Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti umani vengono quotidianamente violati?
Tutto questo porterà ulteriore rabbia e ulteriore sangue come ha scritto anche il Papa Benedetto XI qualche tempo fa... e le trattative di pace saranno soltanto ulteriori chiacchiere inutili, buone solo a perdere/prendere tempo per permettere ad Israele di fare solo i propri interests ... but if we do not understand the good of others is crucial for my well be a disaster for everyone! Help us not to let this disaster happen for the good of all!
with affection.
abuna Mario (let us help resist!)

PS I am attaching here the email of August 19, 2010: Dearest
writing, I do not know if you have already 'received a few emails of regret and "protest" to Your news loop of the Assumption of h.14, 15 ... Don is Mario and I live just BetJala and I am very saddened by what has happened because you neglected to tell the whole truth '... it is not a good service to anyone in this way ... even to Israel! There
I invite you to visit us at BetJala to see how these days the Israeli bulldozers are wrecking the land within our parish and this will create more anger and more violence ... this is not the way to having peace and security: stealing land, cut trees, turn off the water be turned back at checkpoints, etc.. etc.. all this is happening ... 'cause these things do not ever give such news?
I invite you to come see BetJala from the colony of Gilo (not 'a neighborhood ... if we want to be really correct) and see the "ridiculous" wall that they're stripping ... among other things, I still August 18 at 14.50 when I went to find a family in the parish I saw him standing ... and e 'is ridiculous compared to what they are building in our gardens (about 1 km more' taking out an entire valley and thousands of olive trees!)
I repeat my sorrow and adds the response of the Patriarch Sabbah Bishop Emeritus your news (I'll spare you those shocked by the many people who know BetJala Italian and the beauty of its land and its people!):
"I received the news about the" lie "of the wall removed. We live in a world of lies, so , peace is far away ... and this is the fundamental reason for the ineffectiveness of all these negotiations and that turns into a means of peace other great lie, lie, steal, build the wall, and give the image that no longer exists ... But God is great and is good and right. One day, his goodness and justice will prevail over the evil of men, even if they are strong and the great of this world "(His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, Patriarch Emeritus of Jerusalem).
I also believe in God, and sooner or later Justice will come.
Please help us to build it trying to tell the whole truth!
Don Mario
Parish BetJala
cell. 00972-546-287971
donmario.c @
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