Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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Dagli amici...

"by his friends look at me God," as the ancients said, adding "I look at it from my enemies!" To mean as they are sometimes the very people you consider friends to be combined into trouble. Card. Bertone, Secretary of State of the Pope, is too good to have thought when he saw the furore that has caused the news of the dinner at the home of television journalist Vespa, which was also attended by the Prime Minister, Hon. Berlusconi and the President's Party, the Hon. Casini.
the papers would not have dwelled on the unusual gesture of courtesy card. Bertone to the well-known journalist, who was celebrating fifty years of journalism, nor have they thought that Cardinal, though he knew who were the guests, must have received assurances that the meeting would remain absolutely private. Maybe they could suspect that, for the good offices of Mr. Letta, who is "Gentleman of His Holiness" and thus enjoys considerable entrature in the Vatican, he could see a sort of reconciliation Mr. Casini - that despite his personal affairs, is regarded as a guardian of the doctrine of the Church in Italian politics - with the Hon. Berlusconi, who, apart from himself of his personal affairs, is now in some difficulty for the reserves in his own party facing certain laws deemed too personal interest and therefore detrimental to the widespread notion of legality. But this attempt, which would be somewhat political, but always for reconciliation, and gospel-inspired, but is bypassed by those who believe it is a sponsor of the Berlusconi government, as the guarantor of Christian principles "not negotiable", which life from beginning to end, or the family and the activity of the Church.
is true that - at least in words - the government shows to align with the principles of the doctrine of the Church, and today most people who look to the conduct of the government - even in their private life - is guided from television, which is the messenger and that today's ideological - in Italy - is an overwhelming majority government spokesman, but must also be considered that if the title of Christian charity, its current formula - in the words of Pope John Paul II in the Encyclical Sollicitudo Rei Socialis - is solidarity, so can not be truly Christian people - single or government - does not promote solidarity and alive.
Now, if we look at the activities of this government, we must conclude that it is inconsistent with this truly "non-negotiable" status of the Christian, by the refusal of immigrants, forced to return to inhumane prison Libyan when not in the homelands from which they fled as political refugees, economic policies that favor the wealthy - including their own, politicians - and make it increasingly difficult the lives of normal families and increasingly precarious employment, particularly for young people.
But above all, the impression is given - and is especially harmful to young people - that what matters is not doing their duty, to be honest, contributing to the "common good" (without ignoring the "good of the individual") but is rather more than you can grab, leaning politicians, corrupting administrators and - possibly - even judges, is also connected with criminal organizations, especially those with more "covered up". And this is totally negative educational impact that slowly erodes all moral structures, beyond even the battles for life, in which the perspective is clear and no one is forced to take positions that see clearly counter to their convictions. The Lord Jesus warned against this criterion of "Mamona, Aramaic word that translate as" wealth "but adds that the thirst for power, and that Jesus stands as the real alternative to him:" O God or Mamona.
Unfortunately our western world (and our Italian) is impregnated with "Mamona", and so is losing faith. I think that suggests a sponsorship of the Church as expressed in a government of "Mamona" could at most be considered as the choice of a "lesser evil" which should however be accompanied by the perception of evil in question and the responsibility of operators to give up what is evil. Jesus did not shun the publicans and sinners, but he tried to change their lives, as he did with Matthew and Zaccheus and adultery with Mary Magdalene ...
Maybe meetings with the card. Bertone pressures are not born to "life", to make the policy more transparent, honest ... yes, even Christian!

August 3, 2010 - Mgr. Luigi Bettazzi (Bishop Emeritus of Ivrea)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

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Il blog di Abuna Mario

For those who want to be informed directly about what is happening here and there of the Wall has a new blog of Don Mario Dogwood: http://abunamario.wordpress.com/

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Polyneuropathy More Condition_symptoms

Frammenti vocali in MO:Israele e Palestina: L'Europa dell'odio , la paura dell'Islam di Davide... Fragments

Fragments voice in the Middle East: Israel and Palestine: Europe's hatred, the fear of Islam by David ... : "A journey to the center of the Old Continent to see if the wave of nationalism across [Europe] is altogether necessary p. .."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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voice MIDEAST: Israel and Palestine: Akiva Eldar: direct talks in the preconditioned ... Fragments

Fragments voice in the Middle East: Israel and Palestine: Akiva Eldar: direct talks in the preconditioned ... "Synthesis personaleDue years ago, a basketball tournament was held at the University of Tel Aviv with the participation of groups of students were ..."

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voice MIDEAST: Israel and Palestine: Marco d'Eramo: The Crusaders

I think my blog has readers leaguers ... I can then return to this article without fear that gives them new ideas!

Fragments voice in the Middle East: Israel and Palestine: Marco d'Eramo: The Crusaders OF GROUND ZERO: "Fan of the war of civilizations, the South African racists and Milosevic, Pamela Geller, founder of" Stop the Islamization of America, " loves ... "

Monday, August 23, 2010

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ANSA OF GROUND ZERO: No answer ...!

Dear friends, after 6 days I have not had a minimal response by the editors at Reuters ... today the wall of Gilo has been removed and we are very happy also because the justification was that there were no safety issues and also we are witnesses of this, but then why build the wall within our parish stealing a whole valley where there are not even the famous security reasons?
Ansa I invited you to visit us .. . surely there will be a correspondent in Jerusalem, and so I hope to meet again today to show him how the work to continue building the wall inside BetJala.
If anyone can help me to get to handle our voice I would be grateful, because I do not want to think that a serious agency Ansa can behave like that in so uncivilized a response denying the objections, requests to a poor priest who daily try to give hope to a community that does not hope because most humiliated and abused every day in every way!
Another episode of daily life in Nazareth Saturday we had the "accommodation" of an icon of Our Lady of the Scouts in the Basilica of the Annunciation ... many came from Italy and as a parish we asked for our scout 250 permits to participate in this great event ... we received only 50 of these permits and many were given to the husband and wife and not so sono stati soltanto 32 quelli che hanno potuto partecipare alla s.Messa a Nazareth... e tutto questo non è giusto!
E' una vergogna ed è contro qualunque diritto internazionale... ma di questo non frega niente a nessuno... ad Ansa potrà interessare la notizia che in Israele il diritto alla libertà religiosa, il diritto alla libertà di movimento, e tutti gli altri diritti garantiti dalla Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti umani vengono quotidianamente violati?
Tutto questo porterà ulteriore rabbia e ulteriore sangue come ha scritto anche il Papa Benedetto XI qualche tempo fa... e le trattative di pace saranno soltanto ulteriori chiacchiere inutili, buone solo a perdere/prendere tempo per permettere ad Israele di fare solo i propri interests ... but if we do not understand the good of others is crucial for my well be a disaster for everyone! Help us not to let this disaster happen for the good of all!
with affection.
abuna Mario (let us help resist!)

PS I am attaching here the email of August 19, 2010: Dearest

writing, I do not know if you have already 'received a few emails of regret and "protest" to Your news loop of the Assumption of h.14, 15 ... Don is Mario and I live just BetJala and I am very saddened by what has happened because you neglected to tell the whole truth '... it is not a good service to anyone in this way ... even to Israel! There
I invite you to visit us at BetJala to see how these days the Israeli bulldozers are wrecking the land within our parish and this will create more anger and more violence ... this is not the way to having peace and security: stealing land, cut trees, turn off the water be turned back at checkpoints, etc.. etc.. all this is happening ... 'cause these things do not ever give such news?
I invite you to come see BetJala from the colony of Gilo (not 'a neighborhood ... if we want to be really correct) and see the "ridiculous" wall that they're stripping ... among other things, I still August 18 at 14.50 when I went to find a family in the parish I saw him standing ... and e 'is ridiculous compared to what they are building in our gardens (about 1 km more' taking out an entire valley and thousands of olive trees!)
I repeat my sorrow and adds the response of the Patriarch Sabbah Bishop Emeritus your news (I'll spare you those shocked by the many people who know BetJala Italian and the beauty of its land and its people!):
"I received the news about the" lie "of the wall removed. We live in a world of lies, so , peace is far away ... and this is the fundamental reason for the ineffectiveness of all these negotiations and that turns into a means of peace other great lie, lie, steal, build the wall, and give the image that no longer exists ... But God is great and is good and right. One day, his goodness and justice will prevail over the evil of men, even if they are strong and the great of this world "(His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, Patriarch Emeritus of Jerusalem).
I also believe in God, and sooner or later Justice will come.
Please help us to build it trying to tell the whole truth!
Don Mario

Parish BetJala
cell. 00972-546-287971
donmario.c @ gmail.com

Monday, August 16, 2010

American Transfer Paper

Stop the lies! I'll fuck

Here's ANSA news that he did write all the Italian papers ... (look on google: Gilo wall) that eventually the wall in Jerusalem has been removed!
The reality is another that I live and I just BetJala and see with my eyes I can not remain silent in the face of this further "outrageous lie" ...

(AP) - JERUSALEM, Aug 15 - The Israeli Army has started dismantling
the wall of protection against the rocket fire in the neighborhood of Gilo, in Jerusalem
. The military announced in a statement '
the return of calm' in the field, and began removal of the concrete blocks placed
in 2001, after the outbreak of the second Intifada in the fall of 2000. The wall and
'consists of about 800 concrete blocks placed along 600 meters of
perimeter. The news

non è del tutto vera e si devono fare delle aggiunte per amore della verità: nella notizia non si dice che questa barriera di protezione alta 2 metri e costruita accanto alle prime case di Gilo, verrà sostituita con una barriera di 8 metri che verrà costruita direttamente dentro la terra della Parrocchia di BetJala e quindi circa 200 mt più avanti rubando una intera valle e tanti campi di ulivi. In questi giorni i lavori per la costruzione della barriera stanno proseguendo senza sosta e soprattutto senza rispetto di nulla, né degli alberi di ulivi, né dei parchi giochi per i bambini, né degli orti di alcune nostre famiglie. E tutto questo non è giusto e per questo siamo rattristati e proviamo amarezza nel sentire come in Italia siano date queste notizie dalla Terrasanta. Purtroppo la notizia che finalmente anche a Gerusalemme i muri cadono è falsa perché la verità che noi vediamo con i nostri occhi e subiamo sulla nostra pelle è un’altra e questa non vien mai detta. Ci domandiamo il perché?
Chiediamo a tutte le persone che ancora hanno a cuore il bene di tutti, di protestare ed indignarsi con chi continuamente stravolge la realtà... e se riuscite, provate anche a scrivere ai vari giornali chiedendo di venire a vedere la realtà e raccontare la verità!
Chi di voi conosce BetJala sa che questa piccola comunità a vissuto in questi anni con molta dignità il furto continuo di terre, lo strangolamento da parte delle colonie (The same Gilo, it must be said for the sake of truth, is a colony built on the land of BetJala) ... these days are building thousands of homes in a new settlement called Har Gilo on the top of the hill BetJala, have devastated the beautiful Cremisan Hill (famous place for the Salesians and wine ...)... and many other things that nobody ever tells ... but now it's just too much, now it is not acceptable to do the beautiful telling everyone they took from the wall when it is absolutely true ... indeed it is quite the opposite! SHAME!
A hug in the name of my parish priest who can no longer even protest and has asked me to give a voice!

abuna Mario Dogwood

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Michela Murgia I return from this article. For those who do not know, Michela Murgia is a young Sardinian writer. Advice to all his wonderful book " Accabadora ... It's worth it! Vittorio Zucconi
This article was published in the Republic of August 15, 2010. Because the next day the newspapers do not go out, there is likelihood of it being a double bed under the umbrellas and make people think some intolerant ours.

We wanted liver, massive civil courage and a bit of a vocation to electoral suicide to do what Mr Obama did Friday night. An unpopular choice of civilization. The courage to stand up strongly, according to the American culture and history in favor of the future mosque two blocks from the spectra of the Twin Towers, because the United States of America are built on the freedom to practice "any religion, by any citizen, anywhere."
In a horrible time for her popularity begins to approach the depths of the "Bush area" and therefore to the fortunes of the Democratic Party started to blow a historic election in November, caution, opportunism and cunning were to advise the silence, on a story that does not directly address the White House and from which he has nothing to gain and everything to lose then. Caught between a right and a left populist bilious condescension impermalosita, breaded in an economy that continues and drags him down, Obama could have used the tried and tested trick newspeak "triangulation" invented by Bill Clinton: saying one thing and do the opposite.
Clinton would have thundered against Islamic fanaticism and concealed it would encourage the Muslim community to build its own center maybe two blocks away, or would have relied on religious freedom, then working quietly to prevent what many New Yorkers consider an insult to the memory of victims of Islamist terrorism.
But Obama is not Clinton. His personal history, its nature, its aspirations to be an ethical leader and not just an administrator, he was unable to look the other way as its own Consigliori's recommended. His is only a civil religion, a faith in America's history and the Constitution that only the first generation of citizens, as he is, and ethnic minority who have known the bitter taste of marginalization, they cultivate. When the opportunity for a discourse high, noble, lay, as always, beautifully acted, it has, can not resist.
made the choice to speak, had no choice. He could not say more than "as a citizen and as President - note the priority given to the word citizen - I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion than anyone else in this nazione". Quando ciò che dovrebbe essere sacrosantamente ovvio diventa elettoralmente rischioso, il segno dei tempi non è buono.
Invano il suo addetto stampa Robert Gibbs, ormai avviato al licenziamento, gli aveva raccomandato di tenersi fuori da "una questione strettamente locale" come questa moschea di 13 piani da erigere due isolati a nord dal cratere dell'11/9, che a ormai quasi dieci anni di distanza dal massacro resta un grande vuoto nel cuore di Downtown Manhattan. Il sindaco della città, Bloomberg, si era già detto pienamente a favore della richiesta, nonostante l'opposizione della comunità ebraica. Il potentissimo comitato di zona aveva respinto all'unanimità - evento miracoloso nella città più litigiosa del world - a motion to block the "Centro Cordoba," as the promoters have called the project, pointing out the vast and exquisite Andalusian multiethnic city ruled by Arabs until the thirteenth century. Obama would therefore have the power either to block or to enforce the building.
If you felt the need to act in front of Muslim leaders and clerics invited to the White House the 'iftar, the evening meal that breaks the daily fast during Ramadan, it is because Obama feels the inheritor and guardian of a story begins with Thomas Jefferson two hundred and twenty years ago, when the father of American democracy and the separation between church and state conversing with religious Muslim, because in His life has been exposed to different cultures, experiences, faiths and different ethnic groups that make it incomprehensible that intolerance and hatred that crater in the center of Manhattan represent. "I understand the emotions that this issue arouses, but this is America and the principle that peoples of all faiths are welcome, and will not be treated in different ways by their government, is an essential part of who we are." Wonderful
principles that have done more than guns and certainly more than the dollar, the size of this "city on a hill" that the U.S., but politically they forget a terrible truth: that there is an America and a pre-September 11, 2001 ' America post September 11th. A mosque with skyscraper 13 floors of a hundred meters from an open grave dug by those who believed killed in a mission belongs to God "after". There is no rational conciliation among those in New York, and the ranks of followers of skilled manipulators of politics as Sarah Palin ("a provocation" that called Islamic Center) asking "why a mosque right there" and those who, like Obama, asking "Why not here?" given that dozens of Muslims died that day next to Christians, Jews, atheists.
In fact, Obama has managed to irritate everyone and not to please anyone, as happens to those who say the right thing, apart from the developer, the manufacturer Sharif al-Gamal, enthusiastic. World Arab and Muslim get accused of doing much "symbolism", as was the famous speech given to Islam in Cairo, and little substance, and the field of Guantanamo remains open and the victims' side ", that innocent people in Afghanistan and in Pakistan during the bombing, accumulate. The main Jewish organization in the U.S., the Anti Defamation League, the critical and fiercely opposed to the mosque, amid the cries and the din of the Republicans who accuse the President of "sacrilege".
And the economy, which is the only altar at the foot at the end every shrine, every book, every hanging, every faith in America bow, the goddess remains a sullen and angry that he would ask the sacrifice of a civilian president, Obama still believes that too much to the civilization of the policy and spirit of America, also, and especially when brutally injured and offended by the barbarians.

Friday, August 13, 2010

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Twelve Israeli women: "We will not obey!" THE BEAUTY OF GAZA

We thank Mary G. Di Rienzo (contacts: sheela59@libero.it) for having made available in translation of the following open letter published as a paid advertisement in the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" 6 August 2010] - ON THE WAY by telegram No. 280 of Nonviolence August 12, 2010

Friday 'July 23, 2010 we made a trip, a dozen Israeli Jewish women and a dozen women of West Bank Palestinians with their four children, including a newborn. We traveled by car through the inland hills of the country ("Shfela") and made a tour of Tel Aviv and Yaffa together. We had lunch in a restaurant, got past the sun and really good time on the beach. We came back through Jerusalem and we looked at the city 'old from afar.
Most of our guests Palestinians had never seen the sea (which is' less than 60 km from their homes). Most of them never had the chance 'to pray in their holy places in Jerusalem - Al Quds, and who saw them with a desire on Mount Scopus.
None of our guests had an entry permit to Israel. We have passed through the checkpoints in our cars, knowing that they violate the "Law of entry into Israel. " Proclaim openly here. This trip
common 'was organized in response to the complaint filed by the state police against us, Ilana Hammerman, on a trip like she did with three young Palestinian women. We decided to act in the spirit of Martin Luther King and to show symbolically that we do not recognize immoral and unjust laws.
legally not recognized 'to the "Law of Entry into Israel", a law that allows each and every Israeli jew to travel freely in any part of the land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, but denying the same right to Palestinians, although this is also their country. Questa legge li spoglia del diritto di visitare citta' e villaggi lungo la “Linea Verde”: luoghi in cui essi hanno profonde radici familiari, di eredita' culturale e di legami nazionali.
Percio', abbiamo obbedito alla voce della nostra coscienza e ci siamo prese la liberta' di condurre delle donne in alcuni di questi luoghi. Noi e loro ci siamo assunte il rischio insieme, con chiarezza di mente e forte convinzione.
In tal modo, noi israeliane abbiamo guadagnato un altro grande privilegio, il fare esperienza nella nostra nazione, una nazione che vive sulla sua spada, di uno dei giorni piu' belli ed emozionanti della nostra vita: aver conosciuto coraggiose donne palestinesi, piene di gioia di vivere, l'aver passato del tempo assieme they were free and be with them, even if just for one day.
We did not drive "terrorist" ne '"enemy", but human beings, our fellow humans. The authorities' separate us with barriers and checkpoints, rules and regulations. Not to safeguard our security, but to sanctify the hostilities' and perpetuate the control of land illegally taken from their rightful owners. This robbery and mass 'was made in violation of all laws and international conventions, violating the universal values \u200b\u200bof human rights, justice and humanity'.
We are not breaking the law, the state of Israel 'was the chief violator in for decades. It is not we, women with an awareness civil and democratic, to be pushed too far '. 'S the state of Israel that has passed the limits and that is leading us down a precipice and perhaps even self-destruction.
call Israeli citizens to hear the words of Henry David Thoreau, an American thinker of the nineteenth century, in his famous treatise on Civil Disobedience wrote: "When a sixth of the population of a nation that is supposed to be the refuge of liberty ', and' slavery ', and an entire country and' unjustly overthrown and conquered by a foreign army, and made subject to martial law, I think that it is never too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize the situation. This 'duty which makes this even more' urgent and 'the fact that the country so' and earned not 'ours, and' Our the invading army. "
Listen to these words, see how they adapt well to the situation in which our nation has brought itself, and what we did.

Ilana Hammerman, Kisch Annelien
Jerusalem, Ramat Hasharon
Esti Tsala, Tel Aviv
Daphne Banai, Tel Aviv
Klil Zisapel, Tel Aviv
Pundak Michal Sagie, Herzlia
Nitza Aminov, Irit Gal
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Ofra Yeshua -Lyth, Tel Aviv
Ronni Eilat, Kfar Saba
Ronit Marian-Kadishai, Ramat Hasharon
Ruti Kantor, Tel Aviv