"by his friends look at me God," as the ancients said, adding "I look at it from my enemies!" To mean as they are sometimes the very people you consider friends to be combined into trouble. Card. Bertone, Secretary of State of the Pope, is too good to have thought when he saw the furore that has caused the news of the dinner at the home of television journalist Vespa, which was also attended by the Prime Minister, Hon. Berlusconi and the President's Party, the Hon. Casini.
the papers would not have dwelled on the unusual gesture of courtesy card. Bertone to the well-known journalist, who was celebrating fifty years of journalism, nor have they thought that Cardinal, though he knew who were the guests, must have received assurances that the meeting would remain absolutely private. Maybe they could suspect that, for the good offices of Mr. Letta, who is "Gentleman of His Holiness" and thus enjoys considerable entrature in the Vatican, he could see a sort of reconciliation Mr. Casini - that despite his personal affairs, is regarded as a guardian of the doctrine of the Church in Italian politics - with the Hon. Berlusconi, who, apart from himself of his personal affairs, is now in some difficulty for the reserves in his own party facing certain laws deemed too personal interest and therefore detrimental to the widespread notion of legality. But this attempt, which would be somewhat political, but always for reconciliation, and gospel-inspired, but is bypassed by those who believe it is a sponsor of the Berlusconi government, as the guarantor of Christian principles "not negotiable", which life from beginning to end, or the family and the activity of the Church.

is true that - at least in words - the government shows to align with the principles of the doctrine of the Church, and today most people who look to the conduct of the government - even in their private life - is guided from television, which is the messenger and that today's ideological - in Italy - is an overwhelming majority government spokesman, but must also be considered that if the title of Christian charity, its current formula - in the words of Pope John Paul II in the Encyclical Sollicitudo Rei Socialis - is solidarity, so can not be truly Christian people - single or government - does not promote solidarity and alive.
Now, if we look at the activities of this government, we must conclude that it is inconsistent with this truly "non-negotiable" status of the Christian, by the refusal of immigrants, forced to return to inhumane prison Libyan when not in the homelands from which they fled as political refugees, economic policies that favor the wealthy - including their own, politicians - and make it increasingly difficult the lives of normal families and increasingly precarious employment, particularly for young people.
But above all, the impression is given - and is especially harmful to young people - that what matters is not doing their duty, to be honest, contributing to the "common good" (without ignoring the "good of the individual") but is rather more than you can grab, leaning politicians, corrupting administrators and - possibly - even judges, is also connected with criminal organizations, especially those with more "covered up". And this is totally negative educational impact that slowly erodes all moral structures, beyond even the battles for life, in which the perspective is clear and no one is forced to take positions that see clearly counter to their convictions. The Lord Jesus warned against this criterion of "Mamona, Aramaic word that translate as" wealth "but adds that the thirst for power, and that Jesus stands as the real alternative to him:" O God or Mamona.
Unfortunately our western world (and our Italian) is impregnated with "Mamona", and so is losing faith. I think that suggests a sponsorship of the Church as expressed in a government of "Mamona" could at most be considered as the choice of a "lesser evil" which should however be accompanied by the perception of evil in question and the responsibility of operators to give up what is evil. Jesus did not shun the publicans and sinners, but he tried to change their lives, as he did with Matthew and Zaccheus and adultery with Mary Magdalene ...
Maybe meetings with the card. Bertone pressures are not born to "life", to make the policy more transparent, honest ... yes, even Christian!
August 3, 2010 - Mgr. Luigi Bettazzi (Bishop Emeritus of Ivrea)