Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pelvic Pain More Condition_symptoms

On March 17, parties to the Unit and the workers

History Unit of our country is a story in which the blood shed by the common people, from those who work, have the part proponderante.
In the Wars of Independence were farmers, artisans, teachers, children with no other than ideal. Certainly not the children of aristocrats.
in muddy trenches and mountains of the First World War were still peasants, craftsmen, teachers, the first workers, certainly not the children of the rich bourgeoisie that, at most, were the lieutenants.
In World War II, in the cold of Russia, and the resistance, the blood shed by the workers was still a lot.
was through the blood of millions of workers that Italy had a Costituzione libera, e divenne un Paese Democratico, Repubblicano e indipendente.

Il 17 marzo si festeggia il 150° dell'Unità d'Italia, e il Governo, su sollecitazione della Confindustria, ha deciso che è festa sì, ma i che i lavoratori la devono pagare, prendendosi un giorno di ferie.

Forse perché non hanno dato ancora abbastanza.


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