Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Would Plan B Cause Me To Urinate More

There is little to laugh, Caimano: Italy is considered a joke by Country

Vladimir Putin e Silvio Berlusconi Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi

The disasters of the era depicted by Berlusconi's lack of consideration for the prime minister in the diplomatic documents of the administration American popular on the web. With him, the image of Italy is now close to "zero"

ROME - He, the Cayman, it's always like that, because he thinks it's cool. Joke and laugh about it. As soon as his flaw is discovered, among the many that remain mysterious, the first public occasion takes the ball early to exorcise his figures. After the story of a minor, to be teased Casoria alone, after the Ruby heartthrob, stunned everyone by saying that was a minor fix.

And so does even now that Wikileaks has spread all over the world account che la diplomazia americana nutre nei suoi confronti: “vanitoso e incapace”, “profonda sfiducia in lui”, protagonista di “party selvaggi”, assurto (si fa per dire) al tristo incarico di “portavoce” di Putin. Il Caimano ci ride su ma non gli italiani (almeno quelli che ancora hanno un barlume di ragione e di avvedutezza), perché è chiaro dove portino le considerazioni espresse dalla vice-responsabile dell’ambasciata americana in Italia Elisabeth Dibble (ufficialmente, incaricata di affari della rappresentanza diplomatica): ad emarginare il nostro Paese dal consesso internazionale, considerarlo non affidabile e non autorevole. E ciò unicamente per via dei comportamenti irresponsible of its premier, private life of his eloquence, that does not respond to a rent-stabilized that any head of government must submit to an international level.

But there is obviously something even worse in the considerations so far have been disseminated on the net (they are coming at least another three thousand in the coming hours and in the coming days) definitely abnormal state of relations between our country and two countries with which U.S. administrations are forced to live in but would rather avoid: Russia autocratic Putin-Medvedev duo's and Libya's Gaddafi plutocrat. It is between the Libyan desert and the Kremlin that the Italian prime minister has so far played its games, strengthening friendship business for which you know only a paltry percentage of completion. The suspects are hiding in those reports as "private interests" of the Cayman clear from the documentation of the Department of State, with a note of the same Hilary Clinton (then the highest level) with the aim to know the "personal investment" in the Italian premier potentially production of influences on the foreign policy of the alliance. Nothing like this had ever happened in the Italian republican history, namely, that the U.S. administration had asked whether the private affairs of the tenant of Palazzo Chigi could disrupt the traditional balance beyond Atlantic and this may already be sufficient to understand the systemic breakdown that caused the Berlusconi regime, with perhaps irreparable damage to the Italian democracy. Berlusconi, in fact, in a rambling delirium of false efficiency and acquisition of a global prestige, has tried to put your foot in most brackets, in turn to ride the horse more capricious but brighter. And here's unblemished friendship with the "sent by God" Medvedev and Putin, with whom business closes between Gazprom and Eni, the declared value of one billion euro, prompting fears in Washington that the whole of Europe could in future become an "annexe" not only Russian for energy supplies. What's more, at the same time strengthens the link with the Colonel of Tripoli, in this case for reasons of energy and not only consenting to exorbitant demands to Italy and Europe in the field of migration. Then, to cover their backs, announced a day in and day out about his loyal friendship with Israel and, when there was Bush, thought it was just his policy "pats on the back" and words of love, of all out of place as the whole character that uttered, to ward off the inevitable questions about the nature of those too dangerous friendships.

is in this way that, almost scientifically, il Caimano (e la sua diplomazia, affidata alle mani dell’evanescente Franco Frattini) ha distrutto quel po’ di reputazione internazionale che il nostro Paese aveva faticosamente costruito con Massimo D’Alema e con Romano Prodi. Ora, prendersela a ridere, significa soltanto continuare a dileggiare 60 milioni di cittadini, che avrebbero tutto il diritto di non essere presi in giro quando si recano in viaggio in una qualsiasi Capitale del mondo civilizzato.


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