Friday, March 26, 2010

Francisco I Just Wanna Live Again

Bologna: Yes we cash to show Santoro "Raiperunanotte"

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

What Is Hiv More Condition_symptoms

Some in-depth articles and proposed policy on the issue of self-employment of third generation. Globalproject

The new generation of

Andrea Fumagalli
22 / 3 / 2010
That the labor market is in turmoil is well known. We are no longer in the days when job stability was one of the few certainties of life. However, the implosion of the Fordist factory, with its load of hierarchy, control, subordination e alienazione, non ha ... »

Autonomi e precari coalizzati per i diritti

22 / 3 / 2010
Scarica il Pdf dell'intervista a Sergio Bologna sul lavoro della conoscenza - intervista a cura di Roberto Ciccarelli ed edita da il manifesto l'11.12.09 »

Gli Invisibili, il lavoro che cambia

15 / 3 / 2010
Speaking of work, these days, is to speak of the work that is lost. What then are mostly young people to lose their jobs is another truism that you get used to, it seems, without too much anger. Still, the job lost, what is news is that employee, that ... "

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St Paul, Albertaflying Saucermeters Wide

from "Take the Money and Run" cash night. Music and socializing for a concrete utopia: the minimum income guarantee

" Take the Money and Run "

Debate and political campaigns on the theme of the social welfare