Federico Aldovrandi 18, beaten to death Sept. 25, 2005 in the middle of a street by police driving. The staff of the 118 al suo arrivo trova il paziente «riverso a terra, prono con le mani ammanettate dietro la schiena, incosciente»,dopo numerosi tentativi di rianimazione cardiopolmonare, il giovane muore per «arresto cardio-respiratorio e trauma cranico-facciale»
Aldo Bianzino 44 anni, deceduto il 14 ottobre 2007 nel carcere di Perugia per cause ancora da chiarire. Sul suo corpo vengono riscontrate «lesioni al cervello e alle viscere», provocate prima dell'ingresso nel penitenziario. Un'inchiesta per omicidio volontario è in corso contro ignoti.
Stefano Brunetti 43 anni, arrestato ad Anzio l'8 settembre 2008, muore in ospedale il giorno successivo a causa delle percosse subite. Dall'autopsia emerge un decesso provocato da «emorragia interna dovuta ad un grave danno alla milza. Risultano anche fratture a due costole».
Mohammed 26 anni, suicidatosi il 6 marzo 2009 nel carcere di santa Maria Maggiore a Venezia, dopo una lunga permanenza in cella che assomiglia più a una segreta medievale che a una moderna camera di sicurezza, molto lontano dai requisiti di legge che stabiliscono dimensioni, caratteristiche architetturali, condizioni igieniche e arredo di una normale «camera di pernottamento». Sei poliziotti della penitenziaria finiscono nel registro degli indagati per «abuso di autorità contro persone arrestate o detenute».
I nomi sopra elencati non sono opere di fantasia, parlano di allarmanti storie realmente accadute nel nostro paese, sono solo alcuni dei detenuti uccisi dallo “stato democratico”. Fino a qualche giorno fa neanche la famiglia Cucchi non conosceva i loro nomi, non sapeva nemmeno quanto fosse lungo l’elenco dei morti nelle carceri italiane. Non li conosceva, cosi come la maggior parte degli italiani, gli inquietanti episodi che hanno come protagonisti componenti delle forze dell’ordine italiane; poi i carabinieri hanno bussato a casa loro per dire che semplicemente «Stefano era morto», in ospedale più precisamente nel reparto penitenziario del Pertini.
Stefano aveva 31 anni, faceva il geometra in uno studio comune con il padre e la sorella Ilaria. Secondo le ricostruzioni la notte between 15 and 16 October the police found him with 20 grams of substances in the nearby neighborhood Appius Claudius. At half the night by night, the telephone rings at home Cucchi, Stefano arrives but not just with him are the soldiers who arrested him. Only they search his room, without finding anything.
Ilaria said that leaving his brother was walking home on his legs and he had marks on her face. Then the hearing for summary after the night in the vault of a barracks of the Force, during which Stephen was examined by a doctor of the garrison of the court did not find anything that might endanger his life. The boy was then delivered to the prison and taken to Regina Coeli, then transfer Pertini hospital and death on Oct. 22. with his face beaten and two broken vertebrae, a sacrum and lower back.
The prosecutor of Rome has decided to prosecute for the offense of "manslaughter," punishable by ten to eighteen. But the accusation, for the moment, is directed against persons unknown.
"As against unknown?", Asks the family lawyer, Fabio Anselmo (the same lawyer who assisted the family of Federico Aldrovandi). "It goes against persons unknown but I believe that those who were in custody or care are not unknown. I expect suspects, I expect that these people are to give an explanation." In
Italy as well as in every other civilized country a person imprisoned, detained or otherwise held, in the hands of what we call "law enforcement" is not they who had delivered the life of Stephen? It is not acceptable, whatever one may have done, that a prisoner is kept that way.
Nobody is going to leave unpunished the death of this boy of 31 years took place in circumstances not at all clear after eight days in jail.
The first to speak during a press conference, Ignazio La Russa, the Defence Minister, to which the victim's family had asked for clarification of the massacre: "There is no doubt that any offense committed this guy definitely has the right to treatment appropriate to human dignity. What happened, however, are not able to say because it is an absolutely foreign jurisdiction to the Ministry of Defense in regard to one side to the police as the police, then to the Ministry of the Interior, the other to the Ministry of Justice. So I have no tools to verify, but one thing is certain: the absolutely correct behavior by the police on this occasion. "
Rod Minister thinks immediately by the secretary of the Independent Trade Union of Prison Police, Donato Capece" He said he has no evidence to say how it went down the facts related di Stefano Cucchi, però sostiene che l'intervento dei carabinieri è stato corretto. Su quale basi lo dice? Chi sarebbe stato scorretto, allora?". All'interno del vastissimo orizzonte della polemica che si è levata attorno all’assassinio di Stefano Cucchi, spunta anche un’ appello al Presidente della Repubblica da parte dei giovani della FGCI, l’organizzazione del PdCI, dai GC del PRC e dall'Unione degli Studenti che chiede” verità e giustizia" per Stefano.
Per sollecitare ulteriormente l’opinione pubblica, la famiglia di Stefano ha mostrato le foto del corpo scattate dall’agenzia funebre dopo l’autopsia. Sono fotografie che non si guardano con facilità. Non è simple "curiosity". You see a body too frail, his face distorted, a black eye, the 'other back into the orbit, the left brow and swollen right jaw with a vertical groove, a sign of a fracture. The photos of his body off, bruised, tortured him leave with a sense of nausea that can handle just knowing that it is your duty to see them and run them that we must understand that because of the agony and torment.
You can die like that? In Italy you.
What happens when a mistake is hard arm of justice?
What happens in our prisons?
The boundary between "good and bad "is terribly unstable so if you're too close to the criminals, you become evil too? However, unlike them, you are immune from being judged?
be clear, my does not want to be a generalization, I just want to put the 'some attention, I think too many unsolved cases or forgotten to remember what happens when a uniformed man decides to abuse their power.
At a time like this where the scope for individual freedom are reduced each day the tortured body of Stephen I remember so many others, seems to come out of a Nazi concentration camp, is like that of photographs of Auschwitz, the only difference is that the photos are not black and white, but they also speak of harassment and violence dictated by a sickening sense of intolerance and inhuman. Someone
door on his conscience the death of this young, we can not remain deaf and silent in the face of all this, this incident is a blot on the conscience of Italian civil, involving a family seeking justice in a country where you see your snatch son from the "police" and they gave it back to you in pieces.
Ketty Bertuccelli