Thursday, September 30, 2010

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Press Yes we cash: Speaking of income ...

About a year ago, a hundred temporary workers, students, workers and unemployed broke one of the last regional councils of the outgoing junta of Emilia Romagna to the cry of "Yes we cash! ", giving the public via the homonym regional campaign created for the request for a guaranteed minimum income, following the example of the trial that began in the Lazio region (and already present in the rest of Europe).

This campaign has gone through in recent months, our entire region, involving movements, community centers, associations, individuals, political parties, trade unions, creating numerous opportunities for argument and discussion on the need for a rethinking of current forms of welfare.

As demonstrated by the debate in recent days, the need is so obvious that even in the most institutional offices it could not ignore the problem.

In this regard, such as mobilization of activists who first had the merit of bringing these issues to the forefront, we believe that the proposal made recently by President Richetti, and that is "expanding" the layoffs to the precarious-as and represents a first encouraging step towards the recognition of the figure of the precarious worker as a person completely devoid of guarantees and safeguards - Has instead explicitly bypassed the issue of "income".

Speaking of "work" today means having to talk about all the complexity of a present where it increases the use and the complete absence of rights. For this reason, request the creation of guaranteed income, minimum, direct, uncoupled from the work performance, universal, single-family-based and not allow all individuals a guarantee of "minimum" appropriate to a dignified life in a society where the rules labor market are all too often in tension with the constitutional principles of the public sphere such as equality of opportunity.

E 'obviously more than the redistribution of resources and the enlargement of the layoffs, which would cover only the former workers - albeit temporary - without a complete rethinking of the structure of an already creaky Old and welfare.

The other theme is to circumvent the identification of additional resources to be devoted to this, if behind the intention to "rebalance" the allocation of meccansimi hides the same old logic of "short deck", which cover temporarily the most obvious flaws of the system.

The institutions responsible for the commitment to research and other new resources to be allocated to a new welfare system, in order to avoid clashes "media" between the insured and uninsured, in a precarious condition in which it is now experienced and perceived as a common trait of an entire society.

regional campaign cash
Yes we

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

226 Old Beach Road , Ocracoke Island,map

report from GlobalProject: "United against the crisis" to the manifestation of Fiom

° ° Unit against the crisis

° °
Appeals, interventions, locations of conflict and resistance to the demonstration on 16 October in Rome.
In Motion ** United against crisis ** because "only the strength of this process of moving and moving, strong and can make possible all the battles che abbiamo di fronte".

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Baby Congrats Messages

Le 10 strategie della manipolazione mediatica

The linguist Noam Chomsky has developed the list of "10 Strategies of Manipulation" through the mass media. Illuminating!

1 - The strategy of distraction.
The main element of social control is the distraction of the strategy is to divert public attention from important issues and changes agreed by the political and economic elites using the technique of continuous deluge or flood of distractions and information insignificanti.La strategy of distraction is also necessary to ensure the public interest in the essential knowledge in science, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics. “Sviare l’attenzione del pubblico dai veri problemi sociali, tenerla imprigionata da temi senza vera importanza. Tenere il pubblico occupato, occupato, occupato, senza dargli tempo per pensare, sempre di ritorno verso la fattoria come gli altri animali (citato nel testo “Armi silenziose per guerre tranquille”).

2 - Creare il problema e poi offrire la soluzione.
Questo metodo è anche chiamato “problema - reazione - soluzione”. Si crea un problema, una “situazione” che produrrà una determinata reazione nel pubblico in modo che sia questa la ragione delle misure che si desiderano far accettare. Ad esempio: lasciare che dilaghi o si intensifichi la violenza urbana, or organize bloody attacks to ensure that the public is to require security laws and policies at the expense of freedom. Or, create an economic crisis as a necessary evil in order to accept the reduction of social rights and the dismantling of public services.

3 - The strategy of gradualism.
To accept an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually dropped to a trickle for a while 'for consecutive years. This is the way in which social and economic conditions radically new (neoliberal) were imposed in the '80s and '90s: an idle state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, mass unemployment, wages can no longer ensure decent incomes, so many changes that would cause a revolution if they had been applied only once.

4 - The strategy of delay.
Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary" at that time gaining the consent of the people for future application. It 's easier to accept a sacrifice of the immediate future. First, because the effort must not be done immediately. Second, because the people, the mass, always has a tendency to naively hope that "everything will be better tomorrow" and that the sacrifice required may be avoided. This will give people more time to get used to the idea of \u200b\u200bchange and accept it with resignation when the time comes.

5 - Consult the people as children.
The majority of direct use to the public discourse, topics, characters, and a pitch particularly for children, often in a weak voice, as if the viewer were a creature of few years or a moron. The more you try to deceive the viewer, the more they tend to use a childish tone. Why? "If someone is addressing a person as if it had 12 years or less, then, due to suggestibility, this probably will tend a response or a reaction to uncritical as that of a person 12 years or less (see "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars").

6 - Use the emotional aspect of much reflection.
Harnessing emotion has a classic technique to cause a short circuit rational analysis and, finally, the critical sense of the individual. In addition, the use of emotional tone opens the door to the unconscious to implant or inject ideas, desires, fears and fears, compulsions, or to induce behavior ....

7 - Keep the people in ignorance and mediocrity.
Far sì che la gente sia incapace di comprendere le tecniche ed i metodi usati per il suo controllo e la sua schiavitù. “La qualità dell’educazione data alle classi sociali inferiori deve essere la più povera e mediocre possibile, in modo che la distanza creata dall’ignoranza tra le classi inferiori e le classi superiori sia e rimanga impossibile da colmare da parte delle inferiori" (vedi “Armi silenziosi per guerre tranquille”).

8 - Stimolare il pubblico ad essere favorevole alla mediocrità.
Spingere il pubblico a ritenere che sia di moda essere stupidi, volgari e ignoranti...

9 - Rafforzare il senso di colpa.
Far credere all’individuo di essere esclusivamente lui il responsabile della proprie disgrazie a causa di insufficente intelligenza, capacità o sforzo. In tal modo, anziché ribellarsi contro il sistema economico, l’individuo si auto svaluta e si sente in colpa, cosa che crea a sua volta uno stato di depressione di cui uno degli effetti è l’inibizione ad agire. E senza azione non c’è rivoluzione!

10 - Conoscere la gente meglio di quanto essa si conosca.
Negli ultimi 50’anni, i rapidi progressi della scienza hanno creato un crescente divario tra le conoscenze della gente e quelle di cui dispongono e che utilizzano le élites dominanti. Grazie alla biologia, alla neurobiologia e alla psicologia applicata, the "system" could benefit from an advanced understanding of the human being, both physically and mentally. The system was able to meet the individual shared much better than he knows himself. This means that, in most cases, the system exerts greater control and more power over people, far greater than what people carry on itself.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jaką Jesteś Czakrą

Rome Presentation of the book by Cristina Morini videoinchiesta projection and the keeper's cottage in Via Martiri della Bettola, Reggio Emilia Rimini

La serata si svolgerà giovedì 23 settembre a partire dalle 18.30 presso la casa cantoniera "La Bettola", in via Martiri della Bettola, Reggio Emilia.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Spots Under Your Nose Herpes

Frammenti vocali in MO:Israele e Palestina: Il reverendo Terry Jones e il falò del Corano

Fragments voice in the Middle East: Israel and Palestine: The Rev. Terry Jones and the burning of the Koran : "Nobody will stop the Christian Taliban, Rev. Terry Jones (pictured), who, to commemorate the ninth anniversary of September 11 , organized ... "