Considerations on abuse of popular credulity
The Italian Penal Code provides, in Article 661, il reato di "abuso della credulità popolare". Personalmente ritengo che questo articolo sia odioso, sia da un punto di vista concettuale sia per l'uso che solitamente ne fanno le autorità giudicanti (leggi scelta degli individui che vengono messi sotto accusa). Non ho mai capito perchè un cartomante, un sensitivo, un medium o un venditore di amuleti possono essere legalmente persegiti per abuso della credulità popolare, mentre un parroco che si fa pagare per una messa per un defunto o i gestori del santuario di Lourdes no.
Se il principio è quello secondo cui il guadagno realizzato attraverso affermazioni o eventi non dimostrabili scientificamente è una truffa, che differenza c'è tra reading tarot cards to know the future and the promise of paradise?
O between the horoscope and the liquefaction of the blood of San Gennaro?
Why a "magician" is a crook and a charlatan minister of a religion with millions of followers is a figure Respect? Nobody would dream of denouncing it as a fraud, but both figures refer to scientifically unproven and irrational phenomena (miracles, the afterlife ...). And I you respond that makes the number of believers.
ancient times almost all of mankind was polytheistic, but not the gods really existed. The fact
that a large number of people believe in something that can not be proved in a certain and unequivocal not automatically make that belief true.
Again, esoteric religions and "conventional" are both called for a belief to something not provable by scientific parameters. But
a fortuneteller is considered a fraud because you pay for something that you can not rationally do (predict the future), while the same is not true for organizations that influence the lifestyle of billions of people and their volumes of business Dick (primarily through the donations of the faithful) talking about all-powerful supernatural beings, otherworldly dimensions, miracles, of soul and life that continues beyond death.
the avoidance of doubt ... I do not want to prosecute the ministers. A person has every right to join a religion, if it makes her feel good. ache But a person has the right to believe in divination. What I find very hypocritical that there is a crime called "abuse of popular credulity" but is not applied equally to all those people that refer to phenomena that are not scientifically demonstrable. I think a crime like that should not exist where they do not infringe the rights of third persons each have the right to believe in what you want, but if there can be no difference in treatment. Before you
chidere requires clarification.
course I take for granted that individuals acting in an absolutely free and voluntary. E 'Needless to say, in situations of coercion (brainwashing, psychological intimidation, threats or violence) we are faced with crimes that should rightly be prosecuted by the court.