Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Andrew Allen New York Bellmore

How to tell my I'm going to live alone? Happy holidays

How to tell my" I'm going to live only "is a way as any to say I want my independence and I did not want to ...
- hear discussions, because my father has paid more in one milliliter of water in the glass of my mother (immeasurable quantity, in the sense that it is indefinite in the sense that you're wrong anyway);
- hear discussions, I use the lint and leaves the sweater in a pitiful state;
- I do not feel that the doctor like my brothers;
- feel that they are not notary, lawyer, doctor, engineer or parliamentary
- being told "you do nothing all day," even if study like crazy to win a contest (and win);
- feel ignored just because my girlfriend is the daughter of farmers (and not the King of England) and is a social worker (not a notary, lawyer, doctor , engineer or parliamentary).

Fuck! Yes, here is a perfectly fine " shit, I'm going to live alone! "

Soy Allergies More Condition_symptoms

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thank You Notes Phrases

free Padania

Have you ever listened to Radio Padania? Well, I happened by chance a few days ago, despite not living in Northern Italy. The greeting of the audience involved with the broadcasts is not a simple "hello", "hello", "hello", but a strange "Padania free" or "good Padania." You can not imagine the low level of assistance, but even this is Italy .
Today I read that in Treviso leghistaGobbo the mayor and the sheriff Gentilini forbids Muslims to pray in a gym, since it does not have permission to host such a large number of people (!). "It was a tumor that could develop into metastases, we have eradicated the .
Two weeks ago, the Northern League was in Milan to express the cry of "Padania Christian and Muslim never" and "free Padania." The
senatur Bossi continues to be the undisputed leader and draws crowds as always. The charisma remains unassailable. What a shame

have allies (!) Of its kind! Shame!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

What Is Stroke More Condition_symptoms

Berlusconi Saccà and Evelina Manna

on wiretaps between Berlusconi Saccà and I have many things to say, but. Yes, there is a but! But who the hell is Evelina Manna? Well, the search was fast and interesting. Ha fatto anche qualcosa in tv e al cinema. Carina, no? Ad una così una parte non può negarla nessuno!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Digital Foto Club Promo

send free sms via internet

Inviare sms gratis via internet potrebbe essere uno dei modi per far durare più a lungo la mia ricarica telefonica. Considerato che ho Wind, che non permette di inviare sms gratis via internet , sto cercando qualche sito che funzioni veramente (che gli sms arrivino entro l'anno solare) e che sia gratis (ma veramente gratis).

Friday, December 7, 2007

Sierra Design Nomad 5

Binetti hates gay

La senatrice Paola Binetti (sì, quella che porta il cilicio per essere amata da Dio) ha votato contro una rule providing for sanctions against those who commit acts of discrimination against gays. The rule has passed, but only because it will clear soon. So FORBIDDEN to say "nigger", but perfectly free to say "dirty fag." Italy ... The Vatican ...

Note: to have a negative view of homosexuality is different from homophobia.